TV series, reality shows, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Bite-sized Horror]

The New Animaniacs Halloween Special!

As a kid, I loved the original Animaniacs (1993) and Pinky and the Brain. I’m not sure it ever really was a “kids” show per se though, and I’m sure most of the more clever jokes flew right over my head, so it’s only more enjoyable to watch now, as an adult. The artwork of

[Guest Posts]

Creating a Ghostwatch Inspired Hoax and the Loss of My Belief in Ghosts

This is a two-part post. In the previous post I reflected on the impact Ghostwatch had on me. In the countdown to Christmas in 1992, at the age of 11, I was having sleepless nights, not due to the usual excitement, but thanks to the lingering fear left over from watching Ghostwatch months earlier. However,

[Guest Posts]

Ghostwatch 30 Years On — My Own Personal Horror

For a young, impressionable 10-year-old with an unhealthy obsession with the paranormal and an overactive imagination, was the BBC’s Ghostwatch a Halloween trick or treat? In this two-part article, I look back on the most terrifying experience of my life and how this eventually cured me of my fears. As a young child, I was


The Forgotten Frankenstein Sitcom of 1979

CBS had no shortage of classic prime time comedies in the 1970s. This was the era of All in the Family, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, M*A*S*H, and more. For some reason, though, the network just couldn’t get a foothold on Wednesday nights. It became a veritable Bermuda Triangle of comedy, with show after show


Revisiting the Movie that Warped My Mind as a Child

When you’re a kid, movies can get to you in a way that they just can’t when you’re grown up. By the time you’re in elementary school, you know a lot about what’s supposedly “real” and what’s supposedly “unreal,” but the line between those worlds is blurrier. Generally, your imagination is a lot more active

[Bite-sized Horror]

Season 4 of Hannibal Might Really Be Happening

Art by Arkarti Over the weekend, we saw a Hannibal reunion take place over YouTube. I only just watched this now, and was only expecting it to be fun to see all the cast and crew together again after Hannibal was cancelled 5 years ago. However, to my delight, they spoke heavily of the future


The New Munsters on Mockingbird Lane

A few weeks ago I wrote about one of the children’s shows from my childhood that I loved, Eerie, Indiana, and briefly touched on how startled I was every time the main character’s mother’s name Marilyn was said out loud, as it’s not a name I hear every day, but it is my name. Another


Eerie, Indiana Pop. 16,661

Revisiting a beloved show from your early childhood can be a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Or, it can end up being a frustrating trip into the questionable tastes of your youth. Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on one such show I chose to re-watch, almost 25 years after I


No, You Did Not Imagine ‘Daffy Duck and Porky Pig Meet the Groovie Goolies’

If you were a ’70s kid raised on Saturday morning cartoons, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig Meet the Groovie Goolies (1972) might seem like a fever dream you once had years ago and then buried deep within your subconscious. Was there really a made-for-TV movie combining the beloved Looney Tunes characters with the monstrous, but

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Joe Meets the Yeti

Let me tell you the earliest recurring nightmare of mine I can remember. I must’ve had this same dream a dozen times when I was around 4 or 5. I can’t even believe I’m typing it up now. This may be the single most personal thing I’ve ever written. In this dream, I’ve been taken