
Born of a mother who loves horror fiction, a father enamored with conspiracy theories, and raised by her true-crime expert grandmother, Marilynn has never been a stranger to the creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky and lives by the motto "Halloween Is Everyday". While taking a creative writing course Marilynn found many of her passions could be combined and expanded on through writing for fun, and she began to express her fondness for the peculiar things in life through her writing.


Ep #1: Emma Crawford | Creepy Colorado

Marilynn takes us on a journey in the first-ever episode of Creepy Colorado, which is her very own creation. Note from the Editor I’m a big believer in learning by doing. Learn as you go along, make improvements as you discover pitfalls, but most importantly, just get started. So many people never start because they

[Real Horror]

Slime on the Sidewalk

My second September tale of weird is about one of the most strange things I’ve ever seen in full daylight with my own two eyes. I was 12 years old and on summer break from school. A friend had invited me to his house to watch some cartoons and hang out for a few hours.

[Real Horror]

Three Lights Over Texas

Since September is my birth month and 2020 has been a strange year I thought I would dedicate my articles this month to the strangeness that has occurred to me in my life. The first story I would like to tell is of the time I’m pretty sure I saw an alien craft. I was


The New Munsters on Mockingbird Lane

A few weeks ago I wrote about one of the children’s shows from my childhood that I loved, Eerie, Indiana, and briefly touched on how startled I was every time the main character’s mother’s name Marilyn was said out loud, as it’s not a name I hear every day, but it is my name. Another


Eerie, Indiana Pop. 16,661

Revisiting a beloved show from your early childhood can be a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Or, it can end up being a frustrating trip into the questionable tastes of your youth. Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on one such show I chose to re-watch, almost 25 years after I

[What If?]

Elusive Black Cats of Texas

The Legend The legends of black cats living in and around the Piney Woods region of East Texas and Central Texas Hill Country have been told for generations. My stepfather, who would often take us boating in a lake outside of Tyler, was the first person to tell me of the cats when I was


I Learn More About the Voorhees Boy

I Have Seen Several of the Friday the 13th Movies Throughout My Life Some fully, but most in bits and pieces. The first movie of the franchise I remember seeing all the way through is Jason Takes Manhattan. My step-dad set up a double-feature for me one rainy summer break day, with Predator 2. I


Mardi Gras Horror: Gothic Harvest

A Couple of Weeks Ago I Was Down the Internet Rabbit Hole I was looking at various lists of horror movies based around holidays, as one does at 7am on a Sunday. As I expected to find, there’s several based on or around big holidays like Halloween and Christmas and the rest of the holidays