Submit a Guest Post

If like us, you love all things Halloween and horror, consider submitting a guest post.


Please read the quality guidelines and agreement below before submitting.

You must be logged in to perform this action.

Gaining Full Author Privileges

If you’re looking to move beyond just guest posting and want to be a more permanent part of the team, first read this. If that’s a good fit for you, after so many guest posts, if it becomes clear that you’re more of a dedicated regular, you may be given official author access, which includes the following perks:

  • You’ll now have direct access to the WordPress post editor (no longer needing to use the guest post form), which will allow for more flexibility, the ability to add more than one image, and the ability to write, edit, and publish your posts freely anytime you like.
  • Your articles will now be featured on the homepage. Creators get automatic access to the homepage.
  • You’ll now appear on the About page.
  • You’ll be able to extend your author box with more features such as links to your social media profiles.

Quality Guidelines & Agreement

  • Post Title: Please use title case.
  • Post Tags: Please add tags, comma separated, and in proper capitalization.
  • Post Content: Please write the post in plain text and HTML, no copying and pasting from Word and the like. This causes several presentational issues that have to be corrected otherwise.
  • As mentioned above, HTML is indeed allowed. A few examples: <h2>Header</h2> <strong>Bold</strong> <em>Italic</em> and more…
  • You can include links <a href="">Halloween</a>, but keep it reasonable and not too spammy. If you’re looking to promote something, a guest post isn’t right for you. Exception for creators. Instead, try one of our advertising options (including some free options).
  • Try to break up your content for easier readability. Use smaller paragraphs than you would for print. On the web, text is larger and too large of paragraphs creates for unreadable walls of text.
  • Upload an Image: Images should be keyworded relevantly to what the image depicts, in all lowercase, separating keywords with a hyphen.
  • Do not submit other people’s articles from around the web or submit anything you’ve already submitted elsewhere on the web. Submissions should be original and unique.
  • Submissions will be proofread and edited as necessary. Even so, not all submissions are approved.
  • Your submission will be appropriately credited to you and you’ll always own it, but by submitting, you’re agreeing to grant Halloween Love exclusive publishing rights for the specific piece(s) on this blog in the medium of websites. Creators may ignore this point.

Thank you.