Real Horror

[Real Horror]

I Also Saw the “Tic-Tac” UFO

Like many humans, I’ve seen a UFO. After observing the unusual sight, I made sure to document what I’d seen, as it was very interesting, and I wanted to remember all the details for future reference. I’m glad I did because some of my details closely matched another widely-publicized sighting. I’ve told a few people


Open Invite to Any Active Serial Killers Who Would be Willing to be Interviewed

Of course, any actual serial killers that stumble upon this invitation will naturally be suspicious that it’s a trap. However, I can assure you that I’m genuinely curious and only wish to better understand. I have no interest in trying to trick you to give up more info than you’re comfortable with or to try

[Something More]

Summarizing the UFO Report Released on the June 25th Deadline

Aside from a hopeful few, I don’t think many of us expected a smoking gun revealing that we are in fact being visited by off-world beings. However, the 9-page preliminary report (PDF) we did receive does do a hell of a good job outlining a strategy for better recording and analyzing these events, if we

[Real Horror]

Demons & Possession with Ed

Ed and I are seated at a campfire, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. All around us, thick copses of trees, barely perceptible in the dark. If we focus our gazes up long enough, we can see the stars. I am sitting opposite him across the fire, contemplating making another s’more, and he’s watching me,

[Real Horror]

Slime on the Sidewalk

My second September tale of weird is about one of the most strange things I’ve ever seen in full daylight with my own two eyes. I was 12 years old and on summer break from school. A friend had invited me to his house to watch some cartoons and hang out for a few hours.

[Real Horror]

Three Lights Over Texas

Since September is my birth month and 2020 has been a strange year I thought I would dedicate my articles this month to the strangeness that has occurred to me in my life. The first story I would like to tell is of the time I’m pretty sure I saw an alien craft. I was

[What If?]

Uh Oh, I Just Thought of the Most Likely Simulation Theory

I doubt I’m the first person to think of this, and I’m obviously going to cover a lot of ground others have already covered, but this is the first time some of these things have occurred to me, in this way, as my half-asleep brain decided to begin exploring how it will all go down

[What If?]

From “I Want to Believe” to “I Have to Believe”

I’m pretty sure that the above image is fake, and that’s the biggest detriment to the belief of extraterrestrial life. That is, there is so much bad info, fake info, and silly info out there about the subject, that it detracts from the very real nature of the science and the probability of life elsewhere

[What If?]

Elusive Black Cats of Texas

The Legend The legends of black cats living in and around the Piney Woods region of East Texas and Central Texas Hill Country have been told for generations. My stepfather, who would often take us boating in a lake outside of Tyler, was the first person to tell me of the cats when I was

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Joe Meets the Yeti

Let me tell you the earliest recurring nightmare of mine I can remember. I must’ve had this same dream a dozen times when I was around 4 or 5. I can’t even believe I’m typing it up now. This may be the single most personal thing I’ve ever written. In this dream, I’ve been taken