Real Horror

[Real Horror]

Let’s Talk About Mummies

Halloween and the way we celebrate it today is the marriage of several different traditions giving homage to the thin line between the living and the dead and remembering our ancestors. Traditions that are not necessarily related to Halloween, but are still all about that veil and ancestry, can be fun and lighthearted. Other traditions

[Real Horror]

I Saw Hands: The Disembodied Hands Phenomenon

There is no greater freedom for a wily 14-year-old than having the house to yourself. It was 2004, and the sun had just set on a long, tired Saturday in Tennessee. My parents escaped into the night to gamble away their money, leaving the house to me and the cats. I was often home alone,

[Real Horror]

The Curious Case of Spontaneous Human Combustion

The Gist The human body has to reach a temperature of about 3,000 degrees in order to be reduced to ashes. Spontaneous Human Combustion (or SHC as I shall be referring to it today to reduce finger fatigue) is when a human being catches on fire without a detectable ignition point or fuel source. In

[Real Horror]

All the Rage

If you are a Stephen King fan, you know of Rage. It is a novel about a teenager who takes his class hostage and shoots his teacher. I first read the novel in The Bachman Books, which King wrote under the Richard Bachman pseudonym. It is not King’s best work, but it is a fascinating

[Real Horror]

High Hopes

I lived in Pennsylvania in the 1970s and 1980s. If you were lucky enough to live in that section of the East Coast back then, you’ll remember how often the real-life crimes and the tale of The Amityville Horror came up in the news and on television specials. I was (and still am) fascinated by

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: A Rat in the Desert

Yesterday I shared with you all a recurring nightmare I had a few years back that truly terrified me. It was one of those dreams you never forget and definitely never shake, but today I wanted to share a different kind of nightmare I used to have a regular basis. Much like with horror movies,

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Up and Down, Round and Round

When asked about recurring nightmares I always have one big one that comes to mind. I don’t have it anymore but a few years back, over the course of roughly six months, I would have this nightmare half a dozen times. The sequence of events was always the same and always cripplingly terrifying. The nightmare

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Mummy Stairs

In vein of the Real Nightmares reality show that never made it to air, I thought we’d have a little segment where we invite you, the reader, to share your own nightmares here on Halloween Love. Simply submit a guest post with a header in this format: Real Nightmares: [Simple, Title-like Description of Your Nightmare]

[Real Horror]

Razor Blades in the Apple: Urban Myth or Deadly Fact?

Halloween is right around the corner! You’ve hopefully selected your costume and are prepared to enter the Halloween Love Costume Contest. You’re likely excited for all the parties you have lined up, but if you’re a parent, there may be something less cheerful weighing on your mind: poisoned candy or candied apples stuffed with razor