
Zach Kindron

I am Zach and I watch movies. They're pretty much my life, especially horror flicks because they're rad. I am also a freelance (and by 'freelance' I mean I have a blog) film critic and writer.


Prevenge, and Why You Should All Subscribe to Shudder

I’m sure most of you horror nerds out there are at least familiar with the streaming service Shudder. Basically the “Netflix” of the horror genre, for just $4.99 a month you can have access to countless genre classics both new and old. This isn’t some paid ad or anything like that, I’ve been using the


(Film Review) the Girl with All the Gifts — A Fresh Take on Our Undead Future

Ever since Romero changed horror back in 1968 the genre has been flooded with all different kinds of filmmakers trying their best to recapture the terror he brought to life in his flesh-eating zombies. We’ve seen the sub-genre stretched and changed in more ways than one can count, yet it seems the classic “zombie” story


(Film Review) We Go on — A Clever Look at the Afterlife

If someone offered to show you proof of an afterlife, would you want to see it? For Miles Grissom the answer is an astounding yes, in fact, he’s willing to pay for it. The new film from writer/director duo Jesse Holland & Andy Milton, We Go On, explores the age-old debate of whether or not


Train to Busan — Yupp, Zombies Are Still Terrifying

If there is one sub-genre that horror fans keep claiming is “dead” or “used up” it’s the zombie flick. With The Walking Dead being as massive as it is and every amateur filmmaker making their attempt at a Night of the Living Dead the market has become more than saturated. That doesn’t mean, however, that


The Autopsy of Jane Doe — More Movies from Andre Ovredal, Please

One of my favorite aspects of the modern horror scene is the tendency of some its best filmmakers to bend the genre and mash it up into a wonderful crock pot full of horror goodies. Norwegian director Andre Ovredal is one such voice in this community and his 2010 film Troll Hunter showed us just


Film Review: The Monster

Personally, there is nothing I love more than a good “creature feature”. The Universal Monsters kick started the genre way back when and ever since we have seen it grow into a massive subset filled with all different kinds of movies. Ranging from crazy expensive studio blockbusters to tiny indie horror films with little to

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: A Rat in the Desert

Yesterday I shared with you all a recurring nightmare I had a few years back that truly terrified me. It was one of those dreams you never forget and definitely never shake, but today I wanted to share a different kind of nightmare I used to have a regular basis. Much like with horror movies,

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Up and Down, Round and Round

When asked about recurring nightmares I always have one big one that comes to mind. I don’t have it anymore but a few years back, over the course of roughly six months, I would have this nightmare half a dozen times. The sequence of events was always the same and always cripplingly terrifying. The nightmare


Ouija: Origin of Evil — Film Review

Two years ago a horror movie called Ouija was released into theaters, it was met with a heavy negative critical response so I never saw it. The movie made ten times its budget back in the U.S. alone, however, so a sequel was inevitable. Thankfully, that’s all you as an audience need to know going


Witching & Bitching: An Underrated Gem for the Halloween Season

If you are like me, you spend a good chunk of October looking for new and unique movies that will get you into the holiday spirit. A few years back I came across an intriguing, fairly new film from Spain called Witching & Bitching. The title alone drew me in, though I thought it could