
Love to Hate: The Greatest Horror Movie A-Holes Vol. 1

Horror movies have heroes and killers – good vs bad, it’s a package deal and we tend to love them both with equal passion. They also have a rich history of scumbags, those characters who float between categories and stand out from the crowd because of it. They are the type of people we spend


Coolest Horror Images of the Week: 6/29-7/3

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images I’ve stumbled across on the internet this week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! The convention Days of the Dead took place in Indianapolis


The Terminator: An ’80s Slasher Film Disguised as an ’80s Action Film

James Cameron’s Terminator franchise gets a fifth installment this week in the form of Terminator Genisys, which has a plot so confusing that I honestly can’t even keep track of what’s happening in the two-minute trailer. At this point, the franchise is such a mess that I’m not sure I’ll even bother heading out to


MTV’s Scream Series Premiere: Thoughts and Opinions

While some horror fans are kind enough to wait until they see new movies/TV shows before judging them, many unfortunately are not. Like most reboots, MTV’s Scream television series was unfairly written off before we even saw so much as a clip of the show, and much of that hatred was derived from the fact


The Coolest Horror Movie Promotional Items: Part One

As those who know me can attest, I am an absolute fiend for promotional movie items – particularly, given my love affair with the genre, those pertaining to horror movies. Sometimes handed out at theaters or conventions but typically only found for sale on eBay, these unique items often serve as memorabilia for films that

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Lesser-known “Masters of Science Fiction”

We all know about Masters of Horror, the cool horror anthology idea where the creators and producers gave a group of horror writers and directors their own episode where they could pretty much do whatever they wanted with it, within budget of course and within reason on the amount of nudity and violence they could


Horror in 2015: Evaluations at the Halfway Mark

Ever since the internet was created, horror fans have been bemoaning the current state of the genre. A year never passes by where I don’t see several fans on forums and social media platforms insisting that “horror is dead” and/or “just isn’t what it used to be,” and this year is no exception. The good


Scream and Shout: Alternative Poster Art That Wants to Gut You Like a Fish!

Sunday has once again arrived all too quickly and here at Halloween Love that means one thing – it’s time for another batch of incredible poster images from the thriving alternative art community! So far I’ve revealed my personal favorite posters that pay tribute to: Jaws – Stephen King’s IT – Alien – The Shining


Coolest Horror Images of the Week: 6/22-6/26

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images I’ve stumbled across on the internet this week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! There’s absolutely nothing I even remotely enjoyed about The Human


The Top 10 Homoerotic Horror Films

In celebration of June being Gay Pride month and with the historical Supreme Court ruling that same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional, I wanted to celebrate the often overlooked subgenre of homoerotic horror films. Homosexual undertones have been present in horror films for decades but with horror becoming more and more progressive, we will hopefully start