[Something More]

I’ve Been an HL Reader for Years and All I Got was this Lousy Shirt

I’ve been struggling to find a reasonable and affordable way to sell shirt designs. I’ve tried Zazzle, CafePress, Teespring, Spreadshirt, applying for Amazon Merch (no response yet), asking other sellers for advice, you name it, and nothing has been a good fit yet. The problem? Mainly, it comes down to price. These services all start


(Film Review) We Go on — A Clever Look at the Afterlife

If someone offered to show you proof of an afterlife, would you want to see it? For Miles Grissom the answer is an astounding yes, in fact, he’s willing to pay for it. The new film from writer/director duo Jesse Holland & Andy Milton, We Go On, explores the age-old debate of whether or not


Vestron Video Collector’s Series: The Gate

The Gate is one of those special kinds of high concept movies that could have only come out of the ’80s. I first discovered it as a child and then tracked it down again years later from the deep recesses of my nostalgic psyche. While this movie is actually on my Scream Factory wishlist, I


Twin Peaks Homework Done — Ready for its Continuation Here in 2017

I don’t think there’s any body of work, in either film or television, that has quite the same cult following as Twin Peaks. Despite knowing this for many years, only now, 27 years after its release, have I finally made the journey. In just the past few days, I binged my way through the first

[Something More]

Help Kickstart a Live Tour for Shriekback

Shriekback is a band of nutters from the ’80s, who make music outside the bounds of any easily-defined genre. Like many fans, I first discovered their diverse, haunting, atmospheric, and ultimately, experimental music, through the soundtrack of my favorite film Manhunter, and by extension, becoming my favorite band. With that in mind and the fact

[Contests and Giveaways]

Put a Ghost in that Window Contest

Winner The winner is Entry #4 by Susan Watters. Congrats! How to Enter Step #1: Download the image. Step #2: Photoshop a ghost into the top-middle window. If you don’t have Photoshop, check out the free graphics editor GIMP. Step #3: Submit your image to me by email. Requirements for submitted file: While the file


Doug Bradley Speaks (Again) About Hellraiser: Judgment

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to attend my very first horror convention, Days of the Dead Atlanta. There were amazing panels such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 featuring Bill Moseley, Tom Savini, Caroline Williams, and Bill Johnson. It was as funny as it was informative. Stretch is Lefty’s daughter!! One panel stood out,


Black Sheep of the Franchise: More WTF Sequels

Let’s face it, our favorite horror franchises love to repeat themselves. Take a look at Friday the 13th for instance: Nubile teens in the woods? Check. Copious amounts of sex and drugs? Check. A vengeful paramedic killing them off one by….wait, what?! That’s right, every now and then the filmmakers behinds these series decide it’s


Return of the Franchise Boogeymen! Part 2

Earlier this week we previewed all the exciting returns of some of our favorite franchise boogeymen. Today, we’ve got a few more to discuss. The only problem, these films are all “in development”. While it’s all great news, and I’ve no doubt we will see these films up on the big screen eventually, there is


Happy Birthday Joe Bob Briggs! Revisiting MonsterVision

In 1985, then self proclaimed “drive-in critic”, Joe Bob Briggs, launched a one man show in Cleveland titled “An Evening with Joe Bob” (later retitled “Joe Bob Dead in Concert” which can be found quite easily if you know how to Google). The success of this traveling show landed him a gig with TMC hosting