Books and Comics

Books, comics, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Guest Posts]

Golems & Constructs — The Horror Sub-genre is Hurting for a Reboot

Pop-Quiz horror fan and no cheating! You get only 20 seconds to answer each question. Ready, Go! Question 1: Can you name off all the vampires you know from horror and count them off? In 20 seconds you probably got off at least 8 names with 3 titles. If not, you need to re-evaluate your

[Bite-sized Horror]

Kickstarter Campaign for Mobile Horror Bookstore

UPDATE — Unfortunately, the Kickstarter campaign failed and a new one has been launched here. It’s been a while since I posted about a horror-related Kickstarter campaign, which is sad because we love Kickstarter ’round here, but in my case at least, I haven’t been keeping up because I don’t have any disposable income that


A Closer Look: The Official POLTERGEIST Movie Poster Magazine 1982

Poster Magazines … the damn things were EVERYWHERE when I was a kid. Every movie, TV show and celebrity seemed to have one, and if you didn’t, you simply weren’t relevant! From the biggest summer blockbusters to the those cheesy one-hit wonder popstars, they ALL released their own ridiculously desirable folded magazines. Along with action

[Books and Comics]

Graphic Novel Review — Krampus: Shadow of Saint Nicholas

The growing popularity of Krampus has been almost palpable in recent years, and it was only a matter of time before the Christmas beast broke on through into the mainstream. On Friday, December 4th, Trick ‘r Treat writer/director Michael Dougherty brings the shadow of Saint Nick out of the shadows and onto the silver screen

[Books and Comics]

Comic Book Review — Trick ‘r Treat: Days of the Dead

By the time writer/director Michael Dougherty’s Halloween horror anthology Trick ‘r Treat was released in 2009, it had already become something of a legend. Due to the delay in release, a graphic novel adaptation and even an action figure of the main villain were available to purchase before the movie could actually be seen, and

[Books and Comics]

Halloween 2015: The Dead Omnibus Wants to Show You How GRAPHIC a Novel Can Get!

For many of us the journey toward a love and appreciation of horror will have started with the same things across our childhoods. Spooky toys, certain movies we were either allowed to watch or secretly viewed when our parents weren’t around. Cartoon shows, reading books, and that oh so magical Halloween season. They all combine

[Bite-sized Horror]

Hannibal: It’s Time to Meet Dolarhyde

Possible spoilers ahead… Hannibal, while striking its own levels of excellence based solely on its own merits, also has come closer than any of the other Hannibal Lecter films to capturing the truly brilliant atmosphere of the original film Manhunter, a film that I haven’t been shy about calling my most favorite film in all

[Books and Comics]

Horror Icons on Comics — We’ve Got it Covered: Part 3!

Horror icons and comic books – it’s been a tricky combination to make work over the years. In my younger days I was heavily involved in the world of comics, and as a lifelong horror fan it was always exciting when a publisher won the rights to produce a book based on one of the