

I love horror, art, toys, comics, monsters and ANYTHING that came from the 1980s. Share our stuff and thank you for reading, we do it all for you!


A Lost Art Part 2: More Passion for Paint and Posters!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the intense passion and love I have for painted movie posters, especially painted horror posters from the 1970s and 80s. I also briefly touched upon the sheer frustration I feel when I look at modern posters and the lifeless direction I feel they have taken. The first article


Jason Voorhees Kill List / Visual Guide Part 3: Freddy vs Jason

Here we go with the third part of what will hopefully become a 100% complete visual guide to every character and actor who has died at the hands of the legend that is Jason Voorhees. Jason Takes Manhattan got the treatment first Here. Then we moved onto Part 7: The New Blood Here. Getting on


Ghostwatch 1992: A Very British Controversy

First of all let’s get the details out of the way, what was Ghostwatch? Well it was a BBC drama that aired on Halloween night 1992. It was produced and presented to the viewing public in such a way as to make it look like a ‘live’ factual programme, basically a serious investigation of a


My Week of Horror: The Exorcist 3, Silent House & The Stuff!

It’s been a hectic week but in amongst the chaos and work I’ve managed to refuel myself with 3 hits of horror, two old favourites and something new … The Exorcist 3. 1990 Over the years I’ve heard a lot of people say that The Exorcist 3 is underrated, I’m not sure I agree, surely


Jason Voorhees Kill List / Visual Guide Part 2: The New Blood

Ok, here we go with the second part of what will hopefully become a 100% accurate and complete visual guide to every character and actor who has died at the hands of the legend that is Jason Voorhees. Getting on each list is simple: The character MUST be directly killed by Jason himself and where


Shadow Master: My Q&A with Kyle Hotz

I’m going to start this article by attempting to do something tricky … I want to TRY and explain in words what appeals to ME visually in comic book artwork, not just Horror comics but all comic art in general. I’ll be giving a few examples and some of you might think there is very


Jason Voorhees Kill List / Visual Guide Part 1: Jason Takes Manhattan

Ok, here is the first part of what will hopefully become a 100% accurate and complete visual guide to every character and actor who has died at the hands of the legend that is Jason Voorhees. Getting on each list is simple: The character MUST be directly killed by Jason himself and where possible the


Misunderstood Mothers of Horror: A Birthday Tribute

Today marks the 69th year my dear old Mum has been on this Earth … Born and raised on the mean streets of Glasgow she has been a tiny little bundle of energy and opinions her entire life. Over the years many people have found her a little intimidating and my brothers and I still


Deep and Dark: The Descent Has it All

How often do you get asked to suggest a movie choice for a friend or relative who has run out of ideas? When it comes to horror I find myself telling people to give The Descent a try every chance I get. In my humble opinion it’s a brilliant film, (thought I would get that


A Lost Art: My Passion for Paint and Posters!

I was obsessed with movie posters in the 80s, to me they were genuine works of art that could be visually studied for hours. They fired my imagination and made me dream of being able to create something that beautiful myself. Being a fairly quiet and shy lad I would often whisper in my Dads