

I love horror, art, toys, comics, monsters and ANYTHING that came from the 1980s. Share our stuff and thank you for reading, we do it all for you!


From the Squared Circle to the Fury Road: HL Talks to Mad Max Powerhouse Nathan Jones

When I was a kid there were many things I wanted to be when I grew up: Astronaut, archaeologist, veterinarian, comic book artist, British secret agent, post-apocalyptic wasteland survivor! I’d watch a movie with my dad on a Saturday night, then something in that movie would capture my imagination or confuse me and that would


The Shining at 35: A Look at Some of the Best Alternative Poster Art

This weekend The Shining will celebrate the 35th anniversary of its original release on the big screen. 35 years of terror, debate, questions, admiration and brilliance. I watched it for the first time when I was probably FAR too young, and the imprint it left has been with me ever since. I hate having favorites


Getting to Know John Doe: A Look Back at the Se7en Comic Book with David Seidman

Movie perfection? I’ve said it before – I personally don’t believe there is such a thing as a totally flawless movie, but I do believe there are movies that accomplish everything they set out to achieve on a level far above expectation, and when that happens you just know it. The whole experience becomes immersive


Challenge Accepted: Martyn Takes on 10 Random Horror Questions

He’s one of the best writers in the digital realm and I’m constantly thrilled to be working alongside him here at Halloween Love – I am of course talking about Mr John Squires. A few days ago John participated in a fun horror movie Q&A that’s been floating around online, and part of the process

[Books and Comics]

Horror Icons on Comics — We’ve Got it Covered: The Revenge!

Horror icons and comic books – It’s been a tricky combination to make work over the years. In my younger days I was heavily involved in the world of comics, and as a lifelong horror fan it was always exciting when a publisher won the rights to produce a book based on one of the