

Prevenge, and Why You Should All Subscribe to Shudder

I’m sure most of you horror nerds out there are at least familiar with the streaming service Shudder. Basically the “Netflix” of the horror genre, for just $4.99 a month you can have access to countless genre classics both new and old. This isn’t some paid ad or anything like that, I’ve been using the


House Wants You!

House House is yet another cult horror movie from the vault that I’m delighted, but surprised to see get the royal Blu-ray treatment. It’s an absolute gem of a film and one of my favorites. I feel like Scream Factory really paved the way to show movie studios that it was worth the time and


Split… Holy Shit

When I review something, “Holy Shit” is the closest thing you’ll ever get out of me along the lines of a “Two thumbs up!” or 10/10 type declaration. But really, I loathe ratings, which are distinct from both rankings or reviews. Rankings, are a way of saying something like “Here are my favorite zombie movies,


Thoughts on the Upcoming Album from the Dahmers: In the Dead of Night

Despite deeply loving a lot of music regardless of genre and having a collection of music that’s both more eclectic and eccentric than anyone I’ve ever met, I rarely write about it here on HL. However, I got the opportunity to preview an upcoming horror-themed album and after viewing the following promo, I had to


My First Trip into Wolfenstein

If you could simplify my life into one simple idea, it would be very much like the character in the classic Twilight Zone episode “Time Enough at Last.” I’m not very fond of society in general and at least once a day, I find myself thinking “There simply isn’t enough time in the whole world.”


The Devil Made Me Do it — A Quick Look at the Devil’s Candy

I’ve liked Ethan Embry since I first saw him in Vegas Vacation. He has a sweetness and sincerity about him, a kindness and vulnerability, with a little goofiness. I suspect this is why he mixes well with horror. Characters (and ultimately the actors that are playing them) in horror movies, if we like them, only


Vestron Video Collector’s Series: Wishmaster

If ever there were a movie that you can call capital “H” Horror, it’s definitely when it’s directed by a special effects guy and hardcore horror fan. Robert Kurtzman (the “K” from KNB), directed Wishmaster with a lot of love back in ’97. Being a horror fan, I of course always loved the movie because


(Film Review) the Girl with All the Gifts — A Fresh Take on Our Undead Future

Ever since Romero changed horror back in 1968 the genre has been flooded with all different kinds of filmmakers trying their best to recapture the terror he brought to life in his flesh-eating zombies. We’ve seen the sub-genre stretched and changed in more ways than one can count, yet it seems the classic “zombie” story


(Film Review) We Go on — A Clever Look at the Afterlife

If someone offered to show you proof of an afterlife, would you want to see it? For Miles Grissom the answer is an astounding yes, in fact, he’s willing to pay for it. The new film from writer/director duo Jesse Holland & Andy Milton, We Go On, explores the age-old debate of whether or not


Vestron Video Collector’s Series: The Gate

The Gate is one of those special kinds of high concept movies that could have only come out of the ’80s. I first discovered it as a child and then tracked it down again years later from the deep recesses of my nostalgic psyche. While this movie is actually on my Scream Factory wishlist, I