
Reviews, anecdotes, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.



As a novel, Cujo works. There is some clutter to it, sure, but overall it keeps the tension ratcheted very high and has a satisfying end. For a story that is essentially about a woman and a child trapped in a car it sure packs a punch. Even the film did a fine job, getting


Burial Ground

Burial Ground (1981) could not get more Italian if it tried. I recently revisited the film by watching Severin’s remastered Blu-ray of the classic, and it is exactly how I remember, though it looks far better than it did on the VHS tape I originally watched it on decades ago. If you have not seen

[Horror, But Not Horror]

Horror, But Not Horror: More Red Dead Redemption II

Part I | Part II of spooky stuff found in Red Dead Redemption II Wow. I really had no idea. In part I of my exploration of all things creepy in the world of Red Dead Redemption II, I had already beaten the game and done a ton of exploring and mystery-solving, but I had


Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Franchises

When I mentioned to my girlfriend that I needed to think of something to write about for this week’s column, she immediately suggested Child’s Play because it was timely. My reaction to her suggestion was lukewarm. I had not seen the remake yet, so what could I say? I started to tell her my feelings



If you want to throw someone into a nightmare, and they don’t love horror (or only like the Saw series), show them a film from Dario Argento. Anyone who is a fan has a favorite. Many like Suspiria (1977). Great film, but not my favorite. The one that I think works best is one a


Halloween Hate

It is a movie title that inspires near instant anger when it is mentioned. Purists tear it down every chance they can get. Few will say it is actually a good movie. There are some out there, however, who understand that it is not only a good film, but actually a very creative and original


Layers of Fear 2 is a Haunted House Simulator

I love, love, LOVED the first Layers of Fear game. Like the first game, Layers of Fear 2 is essentially what people would refer to as a “walking simulator.” However, I feel like the developers have basically created their own sub-genre, a “haunted house simulator.” At least, that is the very best possible way to


Under Rotting Sky

On April 20th, a book was released that might have flown under your radar. It was from Matthew Brockmeyer, author of Kind Nepenthe, which you may have heard of through some roughly eight thousand glowing reviews. His latest, titled Under Rotting Sky, is an anthology that deserves your attention … now. And that’s a “now”


Retro SF Review: The Exile, by Alfred Coppel (1952)

Car crashes can happen easily. A simple matter of not following the lanes of the road will do it. But in a world where everyone is forced to stay in their lane, one man tries to veer off the path. “The Exile,” by Alfred Copper (published in Astounding Science Fiction, May 1952), is set eight


This is Us

After seeing Us I think I can safely say the scariest thing about it was the trailer. I did not hate it, though. In fact, I thought it was a well-done horror film, and I am glad it did well at the box office and resonated with people. I just came out of it feeling