
Reviews, anecdotes, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Blair Witch Video Game Review

Being a big fan of both developer Bloober and the Blair Witch franchise, I was pretty confident that I was going to enjoy this game. I did, but it was a little bit clunky at times with the controls (but minor enough to overlook). The very best part of the game was actually something that


The Best/Worst Horror Movie Hybrid

I’ve seen space marines fight a giant spider/scientist in Leprechaun 4. I’ve seen pianos eat giggling Japanese women in Hausu. I’ve seen people get terrorized by slugs, rabbits, exploding canaries, and vegetarian goblins. I say all this to preface the fact that, without a doubt, 1964’s Face of the Screaming Werewolf is the strangest, most


Resident Evil Village Review

Resident Evil Village is a melting pot of awesome ideas. You have the first-person view and mechanics first introduced in Resident Evil 7, a heavy influence from Resident Evil 4 (the clear favorite in the entire franchise among fans and critics alike), classic monsters like vampires, werewolves, and Frankenstein-like creations, a rag-tag team of instantly


The Strange, Sad Saga of Alphonso DeNoble

Rondo Hatton (1894-1946) — an actor whose facial and bodily features were distorted by a condition called acromegaly — was tastelessly touted in the 1940s as the only movie monster who didn’t need makeup. He typically played characters with names like The Creeper, Moloch the Brute, and Mario the Monster Man. Three decades later, Los


The Suffocating Horror of ‘In a Glass Cage’

There was no logical reason that I feared iron lungs as a child. The medical devices were not in wide use during my lifetime; I certainly never knew anyone who used one. Still, I was both repelled and fascinated by the very idea of a machine that did your breathing for you and kept you


The Forgotten Frankenstein Sitcom of 1979

CBS had no shortage of classic prime time comedies in the 1970s. This was the era of All in the Family, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, M*A*S*H, and more. For some reason, though, the network just couldn’t get a foothold on Wednesday nights. It became a veritable Bermuda Triangle of comedy, with show after show


My Review of Visage

Visage Definition: To face; confront; brave. When the PR team for Visage contacted me about reviewing it as a serious contender for one of the scariest games of all time, I was skeptical (that’s what the marketing team for every “scary” movie or game says). But now? It definitely made the list. I would describe