[Guest Posts]

Ghostwatch 30 Years On — My Own Personal Horror

For a young, impressionable 10-year-old with an unhealthy obsession with the paranormal and an overactive imagination, was the BBC’s Ghostwatch a Halloween trick or treat? In this two-part article, I look back on the most terrifying experience of my life and how this eventually cured me of my fears. As a young child, I was


Mainstream vs Underground Horror

When people think of horror movies, they think of theatrical releases. You know… long lines, popcorn, the rustling of candy bags, and slight mumbling before the movie begins. Going to the movies used to be an experience. Almost as if time stopped and you ventured into another dimension. Of course, because of covid, that experience

[Creator Corner]

Douglas Burke’s Book THE DARK PROPHET

A few years ago I released a film I made called Surfer: Teen Confronts Fear, which has played theatrically all over the world, and has been very well received at every screening it’s played. People seemed to embrace it as a midnight movie type of film, and it plays great with an audience. Some reviewers


Open Invite to Any Active Serial Killers Who Would be Willing to be Interviewed

Of course, any actual serial killers that stumble upon this invitation will naturally be suspicious that it’s a trap. However, I can assure you that I’m genuinely curious and only wish to better understand. I have no interest in trying to trick you to give up more info than you’re comfortable with or to try


Interview with the Creators of #AuGHOST

Halloween Love: I’m going to jump right in by congratulating you on #AuGHOST, which for those of you that don’t know is quickly becoming a yearly tradition in the horror community, where each August, for all 31 days of the month, there’s a new keyword prompt each day for participants to draw, paint, or craft

[Contests and Giveaways]

Spooky Basket Giveaway

Winner! All baskets (except for the Grim Reaper basket) are eligible for this giveaway. Browse the Spooky Baskets How to Enter Follow @CanterberryGift Leave a Comment Below Winner Selection One winner will be randomly selected on August 30th. Good luck!

[Contests and Giveaways]

Halloween Costume Contest — 2021

Winners 🎉 This year’s winners are: Adults: Red Death Kids: Bender Couples/Groups: Nightmare Before Christmas Pets: Ghostbuster Congrats! 🥂 Email me to collect your prize. Permalink: halloweenlove.com/contest The Costumes Displayed randomly. Click to enlarge. Please note that “Likes” have no impact on winner selection and are purely for reader participation only. Adult Costumes Kid Costumes