
Movie Review: Para Elisa (2012)

For the last few years, a Spanish horror film called Para Elisa has been finding its way back into the spotlight without any means for the mass audiences to see it. Now, thanks to Dark Sky Films, Para Elisa will be hitting DVD and video on demand services on September 1st. The film follows a


Blood and Moonlight: Let Me Tell You Why I Love Manhunter so Much

Manhunter is one of my earliest memories of watching a film that was FAR too mature in content to be unfolding before my eyes (I think I was about 12-13 years old), but it’s also one of the most perfect examples of my young self being exposed to the sort of quality filmmaking that would


Remake Revisit: Thirteen Ghosts (2001)

We open on a creepy junkyard. We’re told that some sort of malevolent entity calls the location home, and it appears that a mysterious man is attempting to stuff the monster into a glass box and use him for his own mischievous purposes. We have no idea who this man is or really what the


Fear The Walking Dead — Thoughts on the Series Premiere

Ever since its premiere back in 2010, the main complaint about The Walking Dead has been that there’s too much of a focus on the characters and their human drama, and not enough on the zombies. How does the network respond to this criticism? In an admirably ballsy move, by launching a spinoff series that


Coolest Horror Images of the Week: 8/17-8/23

It’s time once again to take a look at the coolest horror images I’ve stumbled across on the internet in the past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! Last year, Canadian artist Trevor Henderson started making vintage-style jointed Halloween decorations depicting horror icons, and he created a slew of fan-favorite characters including


Don’t Read This After Midnight: Gremlins Invade the Alternative Poster Art List!

Sunday has once again arrived all too quickly and here at Halloween Love that means one thing – it’s time for another batch of incredible poster images from the thriving alternative art community! So far I’ve revealed my personal favorite posters that pay tribute to: Jaws – Stephen King’s IT – Alien – The Shining


What Lurks Within?: Unwrapping the Dead Charlotte Experience

“I want to invoke a feeling of time and an older type of dread” A quote from Jack of Jack’s Attic, taken from a recent discussion we had about his upcoming new figure release – Dead Charlotte. Regular readers might be aware that I recently worked closely with this gentleman to create seven special horror


Movie Review: Cub (2015)

They had their heyday in the 80s, became decidedly less cool in the 90s, and have in recent years fallen completely off the map and been mostly replaced by tales of the paranormal. I’m of course talking about slasher films, perhaps the single most beloved sub-genre of horror. But they’re seemingly set to make a