
Phantasm: Ravager Spoiler Review

Today sees the release of the newest Phantasm film, Phantasm: Ravager, in theaters (also available on VOD) after an 18 year wait. We’ve been taking a look back at the franchise this week with my ranking of the series so far, a breakdown of Phantasm’s End, the big budget sequel that could’ve been, a brief


Halloween 2016 Countdown: 31 Years of Horror — 1990

31 days. 31 years. 5 movies per year! That’s the challenge a good friend presented me with recently, and I NEVER back down from a challenge! (well, nearly never!) Every day through October I will be pondering and revealing my 5 favorite horror and monster movies from 1985 right up to 2016. When I was


Black Sheep of the Franchise: 5 WTF Sequels

Let’s face it, our favorite horror franchises love to repeat themselves. Take a look at Friday the 13th for instance: Nubile teens in the woods? Check. Copious amounts of sex and drugs? Check. A vengeful paramedic killing them off one by….wait, what?! That’s right, every now and then the filmmakers behinds these series decide it’s


Phantasm: Ravager — One Final Go around with the Tall Man

This is a huge year for die-hard fans of the Phantasm franchise, not only have we been treated to a new 4K scan of the original 1979 masterpiece but we also get to finally see the fifth and (supposedly) final installment in the series, Ravager. An epic horror franchise, spanning thirty-seven years and five movies,


Halloween 2016 Countdown: 31 Years of Horror — 1989

31 days. 31 years. 5 movies per year! That’s the challenge a good friend presented me with recently, and I NEVER back down from a challenge! (well, nearly never!) Every day through October I will be pondering and revealing my 5 favorite horror and monster movies from 1985 right up to 2016. When I was


Halloween 2016 Countdown: 31 Years of Horror — 1988

31 days. 31 years. 5 movies per year! That’s the challenge a good friend presented me with recently, and I NEVER back down from a challenge! (well, nearly never!) Every day through October I will be pondering and revealing my 5 favorite horror and monster movies from 1985 right up to 2016. When I was


Phantasm’s End: A Look at the Epic Finale that Could Have Been

Today sees the long awaited release of Phantasm: Ravager on VOD after an almost 20 year wait from phans. We’re taking this opportunity to relive the franchise and it’s history this week on Halloween Love. I’ve already provided my personal ranking of the first 4 films (All Phantasm Films Ranked!), but today I want to


Halloween 2016 Countdown: 31 Years of Horror — 1987

31 days. 31 years. 5 movies per year! That’s the challenge a good friend presented me with recently, and I NEVER back down from a challenge! (well, nearly never!) Every day through October I will be pondering and revealing my 5 favorite horror and monster movies from 1985 right up to 2016. When I was


Halloween 2016 Countdown: 31 Years of Horror — 1986

31 days. 31 years. 5 movies per year! That’s the challenge a good friend presented me with recently, and I NEVER back down from a challenge! (well, nearly never!) Every day through October I will be pondering and revealing my 5 favorite horror and monster movies from 1985 right up to 2016. When I was