[Something More]

Goodbye My Friend, Jennifer Strange, One Neat, Spooky Kid

I just found out my friend Jen died. I used to think it was tacky to share these things online, especially social media because it’s public and not “real,” but what is the purpose of interacting with other humans in any form, if not for real connection? We may have just been “Twitter friends,” but


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game Review

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre comes to us from the same developer of Friday the 13th, Gun Media. Despite one major deviation from the structure of Friday the 13th, if you enjoyed that game, you’ll probably enjoy this one too. That major deviation comes in the form of taking the asymmetrical 1v7 style and going


Resident Evil 4 Remake Review

The original Resident Evil 4, released back in 2005, is considered by most fans to be the best RE game of all-time, and one of the best games of all-time in general in the minds of many gamers (I would agree). Since it was a masterpiece already, the remake doesn’t veer too far from the


The House of the Dead: Remake Review

The House of the Dead: Remake was a blast from the past! It’s safe to say that it’ll never be possible to entirely recreate that magical feeling of playing arcade games at home, but at least we can play at our own pace, for “free,” and actually get to play the whole game through whereas


M3GAN Review

Gerard Johnstone’s dancing M3GAN took over social media this winter. As a horror movie, it’s not exceptional in the jump scares category, but as a dark comedy mashup of RoboCop, Terminator, The Twilight Zone‘s Talking Tina, and Child’s Play, it pretty much rules. Central to the movie’s charm is an emotional story that also serves


Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed (2022) Review

This will be an even shorter review than my review of 2020’s remake of Destroy All Humans!. All I really need to say for Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed is… ditto. It’s just as beautiful and just as fun, but a whole lot bigger, with maps in the US, UK, Japan, Russia, and the


The Last of Us Review

HBO’s The Last of Us stands bloody and gulping for air over a field filled with so many dead and mediocre video game adaptations for film and television. The new series places a high degree of confidence in its source material so fans of the award-winning PlayStation 3 original title, the even more masterful 2020


A Mausoleum Affair

Chapter I Joe Chaney is Dead It was a waterlogged afternoon in the bantamweight town of Arden Hurst, Virginia, and a mournful multitude stooped over a hole in the ground, slowly filling with tears for Joe Chaney. It was a slapdash funeral in the slanted rain. Joe was dead that winter from a silent heart