
Interviews, chats, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Defender of the Corkscrew: My Q&A with Halloween H20’s Adam Hann-Byrd

This August Halloween H20 will be 16 years old … Where the hell does the time go!? I remember the summer of that year fondly. At the time I was working in a large department store in my home town of Plymouth. The wages were terrible (£3.60 per hour!), we had to get there at


Art Attack: Bringing a Little Horror to the Familiar with Flavio Luccisano

Regular readers will know I have been looking into my past recently through articles I call ‘Inevitability’ … I gave them that name because when I look at what interested and excited me as a kid it nearly always had subtle traces of horror lurking within. Sometimes it might have just been a spooky character


Horror Sculpting to Die For: My Q&A with Talented Deviant Anna

Over the last few weeks I’ve interviewed and shared work created by professional artists, amateur artists, pumpkin carvers, photographers, street artists, the list goes on and on … But there is one form of art I haven’t had a chance to really focus on and it’s arguably the skill I find most impressive of all


Hitting the Wall: Street Art Meets Horror and a Chat with JPS

One of my biggest missions here on Halloween Love has been to seek out and make contact with as many talented and artistic people as possible. I love art … and I love horror … so when I see someone combine the two in interesting, unusual or just smile-inducing ways it makes me want to


Poster Pestilence: My Q&A with ‘Hollywood is Dead’ Creator Matt Busch

If you’ve been following my recent work here on Halloween Love you will have become acutely aware of my intense love for painted movie posters. They are the masterpieces that fired my imagination and excited me like nothing else when I was young. There was no internet to spend day after day on, following the


Joining the New Blood: My Q&A with Craig Thomas from Friday Part 7

Whenever I get an idea for an article here on Halloween Love one of the first things I do is attempt to get in contact with someone involved with whatever my idea is based on. For example, if I see some cool horror artwork that I’d love to share I contact the artist … If


The Horrors of WrestleMania 30; Exclusive Chat with Tom Savini!

This past Sunday night was WWE’s 30th annual WrestleMania event, which is without question one of the most exciting days of every year, for wrestling fans like myself. Even though I’m nearly 30 years old, WrestleMania night still manages to make me feel like a kid on Christmas morning, and this year’s incredible show was


Elephant in the Room — Christine Elise McCarthy

Elephant in the Room is a series of interviews with people made famous by their roles in horror movies. But we’re not going to talk about that. Nope. We’re not going to mention those horror movies. We’re going to take a slight departure from asking the typical questions and instead delve into what their lives


Shadow Master: My Q&A with Kyle Hotz

I’m going to start this article by attempting to do something tricky … I want to TRY and explain in words what appeals to ME visually in comic book artwork, not just Horror comics but all comic art in general. I’ll be giving a few examples and some of you might think there is very