TV series, reality shows, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


A Few Quotes from Our Vampire Friends

Lately, I’ve been watching Castlevania on and off with my boyfriend. Let’s be honest. I’ve been watching a lot of television lately to fill up all of the excess time on my hands due to the Coronavirus. I really can’t go to any of my usual haunts, so Netflix has become an important part of


I Think I’m Paranoid

As of lately, I feel like I’ve walked into a parallel universe. Yes, I do love The Twilight Zone, but I don’t enjoy aspects of my day nearly blending into an episode. You see, the fear of the coronavirus has everyone in my sleepy little town in Florida in a panic. I was at both


Tobe Hooper, “Weird Al,” and the Sad Death of Steven Spielberg’s 1980s TV Show

You may have heard that Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories is coming back with its first new episodes since the Reagan administration. The ’80s anthology series will return on March 6, 2020 on the Apple TV+ platform. Hopes are high, as you might expect. Before the show resurfaces, though, it might be worthwhile to examine how

[Something More]

Confessions of a Scaredy Cat

Fear is a big part of childhood for a lot of reasons. For one thing, you’re physically small at that age, so your surroundings naturally seem more imposing. Beyond that, you lack knowledge of how the world around you truly works, so you have more difficulty distinguishing between what’s real and what’s imaginary. That weird


Why the Best Episode of The Twilight Zone Will Warm Your Heart

They say that the only two things that you can count on in this life are death and taxes. I would like to respectfully amend that time-honored list to include The Twilight Zone and maybe take taxes off altogether. The new phrase would go something like “Yes, you will die one day, but at least

[Bite-sized Horror]

Trailer for Travel Channel’s True Terror with Robert Englund

Wow, this one really went under the radar. There’s no trailer on YouTube, there’s not even an IMDb page up for the TV show. I only heard about it because Robert Englund himself promoted it on Twitter, and it comes out next month! Doesn’t look like the network is putting much effort into marketing it.


The Best TV Anthologies of All Time

This is my list; there are many like it, but this one is mine; I worked really hard on it and I hope you enjoy it. If I completely forgot to even mention a great anthology series, please do suggest it in the comments below. But, beyond that, remember, a list is only a personal


I Love Creepshow

The title really says it all, but I’ll elaborate. I must have been 11 or 12 when I first watched Creepshow. My grandmother had rented some scary movies for me in early October of that year and most of them were classics I’d seen before. One film in that stack though was new to me,

[Bite-sized Horror]

Did You Spot The Twilight Zone Easter Egg?

Tonight’s episode of The Twilight Zone, “Nightmare at 30,000 Feet,” which has been told a few times now, was unsurprisingly a great episode. Unlike previous tellings of this story (originally written by one of my favorites, Richard Matheson), it wasn’t a gremlin on the wing of the plane that took it down this time, but

[Bite-sized Horror]

A New Season of the OA is Now Available on Netflix!

I don’t know if I’m just getting older, or if Netflix has too much content, or if it just doesn’t seem like anyone in the community is talking about it, but in case you missed it, a new season of 2016’s The OA is finally here! I absolutely adored the first season, and after 3