

Franchise Flashback — Poltergeist 2: The Other Side (1986)

Released in 1982, Poltergeist was the eighth highest-grossing film of that year, which means only one thing in the world of Hollywood: a sequel was inevitable, whether one was warranted or not. Surprisingly, it took MGM four years to put out Poltergeist 2, haunting theaters in 1986. And the wait, as is all-too-often the case


Poltergeist (1982): The Ultimate Family-Friendly Horror Film

We’re just a few days away from the theatrical release of Poltergeist, a big screen remake that we somehow managed to avoid for a whole lot longer than most. Whereas Tobe Hooper directed and Steven Spielberg produced the original, this time around Gil Kenan (Monster House) directed while Sam Raimi produced, lending the film a


Movie Review — Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

There’s a reason the name George Miller immediately puts a smile on the faces of so many movie lovers, and that’s because there’s something singularly special about the films he has brought into our lives. The Aussie filmmaker is of course known for the Mad Max trilogy, and this year he returns to inject a


Anthology Rank: Body Bags (1993)

The year was 1993. With HBO knocking the horror anthology format straight out of the park with their EC Comics-based series Tales from the Crypt, competing network Showtime wanted their slice of the proverbial pie. And so they developed Body Bags, originally intended to be a television series that would deliver weekly tales of horror.


Movie Review: The Pyramid (2014)

Last year’s The Pyramid has the unfortunate honor of being the rare Hollywood found footage movie that didn’t at least make back its miniscule budget at the box office, and that failure must be partially blamed on the fact that it was released into less than 600 theaters. After a dismal theatrical run, The Pyramid


Movie Review: The Sins of Dracula (2014)

Scorpio Film Releasing has yet to put out a film that I didn’t love. Home of films like The Disco Exorcist and Nun of That, the Michael Varrati penned The Sins of Dracula was one of my most anticipated films of 2014. My wait was not in vain, as the film is absolutely everything I


Movie Review: The Harvest (2015)

The trajectory of John McNaughton’s career is quite fascinating, as his two most well-known films are very different from one another. Known to horror fans for 1986’s mega-disturbing Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, the director went on to make Wild Things over a decade later, an erotic thriller that won over male hearts with


Wayward Pines: Thoughts on the Premiere Episode

It’s impossible to overstress the importance of a TV show’s first episode, as it’s very hard to continue watching a series if your attention isn’t grabbed right out of the gate. When it comes to a show like The Walking Dead, for example, my interest was immediately captured, whereas a show like Hemlock Grove did

[Books and Comics]

Book Review: VHS Video Cover Art

There was a time when the beer I drank was entirely dependent on how cheap it was, but as I’ve grown older and wiser, I’ve become somewhat of a budding craft beer aficionado. On weekends I can often be found at my local beer distributor, spending way too much time (and money) perusing the vast


If it Bleeds We Can Collect It: The Ambush Predator Has Returned After 22 Years

Long before convention exclusives and store exclusives there were two words that generated excitement in the heart of every young action figure collector – Mail-Away! The idea of chopping up backing cards to collect tokens, then dropping them into an envelope with a cheque for $5 and THEN watching the mail box for 12 weeks