

Tooth Busters: Awesome New Ghostbusters Candy Invading the UK!

The population of Britain will probably never get to taste that elusive nectar they call ECTO COOLER … but the creative folks at World of Sweets are trying their best to cheer us up by releasing a TORRENT of official Ghostbusters candy and sweets! If you were following the site last year you may have


The Walking Dead — The Night the Good Guys Became the Baddest Guys

As we head deeper and deeper into the world of The Walking Dead, the lines between “good” and “evil” are blurring so much that they’re becoming hard to see. It’s something that has been happening over the course of the last several seasons, as countless episodes have documented individual struggles characters have had with embracing


Movie Review — Hangman (2016)

Nearly twenty years after The Blair Witch Project popularized the POV style, found footage films are still coming at us hot and heavy, though the smart ones understand how tired we are of the gimmick. It’s no longer enough to give a character a handheld camera and place him into a horrifying situation, and so


How Martyrs Turned “Torture Porn” into High Art

There are few labels that have done more damage to the horror genre than “torture porn,” a term that has been applied to films like Hostel and the Saw franchise. What the term essentially implies is that the films labeled with it are bereft of substance, making them the horror genre’s version of, well, pornography.


Movie Review — Deathgasm (2015)

When listing off the most influential horror movies of all time, I don’t think anyone would argue with Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead being put right up there with George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. Both films are responsible for spawning so many cool movies – and bad ones, but let’s focus on the


Rare Exports: The Original Krampus Horror Movie

Released earlier this month, Michael Dougherty’s Krampus became a surprise hit at the box office, and I think it’s safe to say the film’s success can be chalked up to both positive reviews and the fact that the titular character is currently more popular than ever. Dougherty’s movie quite literally came along at the perfect


Horror Icons in Space — Leprechaun 4

It’s often said by fans that outer space is where horror franchises go to die, and the film that’s typically cited as evidence of that statement is of course Jason X. But the Friday the 13th franchise wasn’t the only one to take a rocket ship to the stars, and it certainly wasn’t the first.


Horror Icons in Space — Critters 4

It’s often said by fans that outer space is where horror franchises go to die, and the film that’s typically cited as evidence of that statement is of course Jason X. But the Friday the 13th franchise wasn’t the only one to take a rocket ship to the stars, and it certainly wasn’t the first.