
[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters – Thursday

One more day to go! All this week I’ve been counting down my five favorite Friday posters and today’s penultimate entry is the classy and surprisingly awesome image they used for the 2009 remake. I’m always wary of remakes … I get defensive of the original movies they are based on and I almost ‘expect’

[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters – Wednesday

We’ve reached Wednesday and it’s only two more days until another Friday The 13th! To celebrate this important date in the world of horror I’ve been counting down my five favorite posters from the legendary movie franchise and todays choice is the stylish and eye-catching design they used to promote Part 7: the New Blood.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters — Tuesday

Monday has come and gone and we are three days away from another Friday The 13th! … Each day this week I’m paying tribute to this legendary date by revealing my top five favorite Friday posters, and in fourth place I’ve chosen the classic and memorable poster for Part 4: The Final Chapter. This image

[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters — Monday

We are at the start of a week that ends with a Friday The 13th … and to celebrate I’m going to countdown my favorite five Friday posters, starting today with Jason Takes Manhattan. Part 8 is very much a guilty pleasure for me. It has energy, a solid cast and some excellent kills. Budget


Wall Worthy: Keeping Horror Posters Special with Adam Rabalais

What happened to movie posters? Did Hollywood executives just sit down one day and decide that posters no longer needed to capture your imagination and be something you would be proud to display on a wall in your home? In my youth I had posters everywhere: Several from the Elm Street movies, posters for Friday


Painted Smiles: The Spooky Art of Bioshock Recreated by Stefan Petit

One of the most intense horror experiences I have enjoyed in recent years didn’t come from a movie or TV show … It came in the form of a video game called Bioshock and its sequel Bioshock 2. Bioshock is pure horror, the undersea city of Rapture that you have to survive a journey through


Poster Pestilence: My Q&A with ‘Hollywood is Dead’ Creator Matt Busch

If you’ve been following my recent work here on Halloween Love you will have become acutely aware of my intense love for painted movie posters. They are the masterpieces that fired my imagination and excited me like nothing else when I was young. There was no internet to spend day after day on, following the


A Lost Art Part 2: More Passion for Paint and Posters!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the intense passion and love I have for painted movie posters, especially painted horror posters from the 1970s and 80s. I also briefly touched upon the sheer frustration I feel when I look at modern posters and the lifeless direction I feel they have taken. The first article


A Lost Art: My Passion for Paint and Posters!

I was obsessed with movie posters in the 80s, to me they were genuine works of art that could be visually studied for hours. They fired my imagination and made me dream of being able to create something that beautiful myself. Being a fairly quiet and shy lad I would often whisper in my Dads