Something More

Something more, something special, personal, community, donations, petitions, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Something More]

Celebrate Earth Day with The Happening

M. Night Shyamalan had all but destroyed his reputation with horror fans after the failures of films like The Village and Lady in the Water , but the proverbial nail in the coffin came with his eco-horror film, The Happening.  While the trailer seemed to promise the return of the mind that gave us The Sixth Sense,

[Something More]

Lay Off the Nostalgia, Horror Fans: It’s Okay to Like New Movies Too

Before we even begin, I just want to say that I don’t mean to criticize anyone with what I’m about to type. In fact, I myself am guilty of many of the things I’m going to be ranting about. All I’m looking to do here is start an intelligent discussion, and get some thoughts off

[Something More]

In Response to New Republic’s Gross Misunderstanding of Horror Fans

Those on the outside of our little horror community seem to have an inherent fascination with looking in, and they also tend to get off on the idea of analyzing us and our viewing habits. For many, trying to even fathom why anyone would choose to watch horror movies is impossible, and because it’s not

[Something More]

Gateway to Hell Mystery

If you’re one of our frequent readers, you no doubt know that we post some pretty weird stuff at times (and proudly so), but this is perhaps the weirdest. It’s no secret that most blogs like ours survive on donations and advertisers. With that said, I get many solicitations daily to promote other’s products for

[Contests and Giveaways]

Trick ‘r Treat Club — Halloween Mystery Box

Make a donation at least once a year as detailed in the first step below to receive your #TrickRTreatClub mystery box each October. I’m now collaborating with Edie (@jerseyoriginal), who some of you in the community may already know, in order to bring you the best experience. Here’s how to join the club… Step #1

[Something More]

Will Toys R Us Stop Selling Horror Toys?

Way back in 1979, Kenner was famously forced to pull an Alien toy from shelves, amidst parental complaints that suggested the toy was much too horrifying for its intended audience. We’ve come a long way as a society since then, and a quick trip into your local Toys R Us serves as the perfect example

[Something More]

Dead Air — The Last Bit of Noise on a Dying Medium

Technology continues to progress exponentially, with technologies becoming dated quicker than ever before. Fax machines abandoned in way of email. Payphones and landlines abandoned in way of mobile phones. Phonebooks abandoned in way of Google search. Blockbuster storefronts and cable abandoned in way of Netflix. CDs abandoned in way of iPods. Film cameras abandoned in