
Reviews, anecdotes, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Movie Review: Terminator Genisys (2015)

It was 31 years ago that James Cameron introduced the world to The Terminator, centered on an unstoppable cyborg sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor’s unborn son. The slasher movie-inspired time travel film led to a string of sequels, beginning with the action-packed Judgment Day and continuing with Rise of the Machines and


The Terminator: An ’80s Slasher Film Disguised as an ’80s Action Film

James Cameron’s Terminator franchise gets a fifth installment this week in the form of Terminator Genisys, which has a plot so confusing that I honestly can’t even keep track of what’s happening in the two-minute trailer. At this point, the franchise is such a mess that I’m not sure I’ll even bother heading out to


MTV’s Scream Series Premiere: Thoughts and Opinions

While some horror fans are kind enough to wait until they see new movies/TV shows before judging them, many unfortunately are not. Like most reboots, MTV’s Scream television series was unfairly written off before we even saw so much as a clip of the show, and much of that hatred was derived from the fact


Blood, Sweat and Gary Busey: It’s Time to Remember Predator 2

I’ve had a few days to recover from my excursion into the disappointing corners of the Alien franchise, so now it’s time to see if the big bad Predator had better luck after its original and legendary movie debut. I haven’t watched Predator 2 in a LONG time, but last weekend I dusted off the


Movie Review: The Nightmare is the Scariest Documentary Ever Made

It’s estimated that we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, which equates to nearly 30 years of dreaming for the average human. That’s pretty remarkable when you think about it, and it’s because we spend so much time doing it that many – including myself – are absolutely fascinated by the things that happen while


Poorly Engineered: Revisiting Prometheus and the Damaged DNA Within

My journey through the troubled later years of the Alien franchise reaches its conclusion today with some thoughts on Prometheus. I followed the production of Prometheus with an almost rabid excitement a few years ago, searching for every drop of news and pondering every announcement with a level of interest I had never felt before.


Movie Review: Eli Roth Presents The Stranger (2015)

The name Eli Roth has become a fairly respected one in recent years, and that’s why you’ll often find it attached to projects that weren’t actually directed by him. After the success of Cabin Fever and Hostel, Roth found himself not just writing and directing but also producing, and films like Clown and The Sacrament


Movie Review: Jurassic World (2015)

There are a small handful of movie moments indelibly etched into my brain, and none are more magical than the first time we saw a glimpse of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. It was a scene that solidified my love for cinema, confirming that anything was possible inside the walls of a movie theater. Jurassic


Acid Burn: Painfully Revisiting Alien Resurrection

Last year I gave my opinion on Alien 3, and when I finished writing that piece I decided I wanted to follow it up with a look at Alien Resurrection when I had the motivation to do so. This week I felt the time was right, so with a heavy heart I sat down to


Movie Review: We Are Still Here (2015)

Plenty of horror films that have come along in recent years have touted themselves as “throwbacks,” implying that they evoke the spirit of genre cinema from decades past. Very few, however, have actually managed to live up to the promise. Ti West’s 2009 film The House of the Devil is one that notably and admirably