[Guest Posts]

THE HORROR CLOSET #1 — Musings of a Gay Horror Fiend

I have always been a weird kid. I was different, and my schoolmates never missed an opportunity to point it out to me. I was chubby, shy, and obsessed with becoming “a star”! I had no idea then, but I was a big ol’ nelly. It wasn’t until much later when I was watching Friday


Finding Fuchs Part 2: Joel Polis Remembers Bus Terror, Outpost 31 and THE THING!

Welcome to the SECOND part of my exclusive interview with Joel Polis, who portrayed Fuchs in John Carpenter’s The Thing. If you missed the first part then click over to HERE, read it, then return to absorb these final few questions. Trust me, it’s worth it! Today, Joel remembers a perilous journey toward the outdoor

[Guest Posts]

Embracing the Terror: What Was Once My Nightmare, is Now My Passion

At some point in our lives most of us were terrified of horror films. Somehow though, we still got to the point of near obsession where we can’t stop consuming what used to destroy us. How does this come to be? I don’t think I can answer for you guys but I can distinctly remember


The Best Horror Fonts Collection

October is drawing near and it’s time to start ramping up for Halloween season! For those looking for spooky fonts for party flyers, invitations, greeting cards, or something more creative like graphic art, fan movie posters, etc., start your search here, where I’ve begun curating the best horror fonts around that I can find. Total


Halloween Review: Opening a Case of Ghostbusters Slimer Edible Ectoplasm !

The 2016 Halloween season is upon us, and at this time of year I always like to review as many random and awesomely cool items as I can. America is still the promised land when it comes to finding wonderfully weird and exclusive products at this time of year, but the UK can throw up


31 — Nice Work Mr. Zombie

I finally just saw 31, and I enjoyed it very thoroughly, despite of course, IMDb, Metascore, and generally the whole internet, hating it as expected. I’ll only touch on one complaint as I’m sure you can imagine what the other ones are without even reading up on it, because they’re pretty predictable. The main complaint


Open Invitation to Anyone Who Wants to Write for HL

Last week I opened up about the realities of running a small entertainment website. This week, with all the cards on the table, I send out an open invitation to anyone who’s ever wanted to write about and find an audience for spooky subjects. But, before anyone jumps in head-first, let’s make sure you’re not


Finding Fuchs Part 1: HL Asks Joel Polis to Remember THE THING!

I’m going to keep this introduction short today, because what you are about to read below is just far too fascinating and awesome to be delayed by my urge to write ANOTHER love letter to John Carpenter. I could quite happily tap away on the keyboard and blast out two thousand words of worship right

[Something More]

Romantic for Time Travel

I get very very excited about time travel in any medium of storytelling. It’s one of my greatest real life fantasies to one day travel in time, but also a terrifying prospect. It’s difficult to put words to the excitement, but my blood pressure rises and I feel a rush while at the same time


Halloween Love Doesn’t Make Money

We’ve always been pretty transparent about what it is Halloween Love is all about. While we’re absolutely for-profit, that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s ever been any or that without it, we wouldn’t go on. We’ve always been a poor man’s entertainment site, a community for starving artists and weirdos, if you will. While all the