
Eerie, Indiana Pop. 16,661

Revisiting a beloved show from your early childhood can be a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Or, it can end up being a frustrating trip into the questionable tastes of your youth. Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on one such show I chose to re-watch, almost 25 years after I


DayZ Review (sort of)

If you search for DayZ reviews, you’re going to discover that A. many sites simply omitted reviewing the game at all (probably because they didn’t know how to), and B. of those that did review the game, they didn’t review it very favorably. I first noticed this when I was downloading the game, especially on


No, You Did Not Imagine ‘Daffy Duck and Porky Pig Meet the Groovie Goolies’

If you were a ’70s kid raised on Saturday morning cartoons, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig Meet the Groovie Goolies (1972) might seem like a fever dream you once had years ago and then buried deep within your subconscious. Was there really a made-for-TV movie combining the beloved Looney Tunes characters with the monstrous, but


The Unrelenting, Kid-Traumatizing Horror of “Prudent Hans”

Despite their ubiquity in popular culture, the fairy tales collected by German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the early 1800s have not lost their ability to shock and unnerve readers over the course of two centuries. While these stories have been considerably softened over the years, especially as interpreted by the Walt Disney Company

[What If?]

From “I Want to Believe” to “I Have to Believe”

I’m pretty sure that the above image is fake, and that’s the biggest detriment to the belief of extraterrestrial life. That is, there is so much bad info, fake info, and silly info out there about the subject, that it detracts from the very real nature of the science and the probability of life elsewhere


Amazon Prime Roulette: Draug (2018)

Goddamn, what is wrong with me? It’s been over a month since I posted anything to this site. I have all this free time. Shouldn’t the words just be pouring out of me by now? Well, the sad truth is that I’ve simply been out of ideas. Out of inspiration. Out of gas. I’m used


When Things Frightful Came to Visit

What are the things that keep you up at night? Those things when you close your eyes, you are filled with fright? You know, those things when you rest your weary head, And all of a sudden you are filled with dread. The things that the darkness of night make seem all the more real,

[What If?]

Elusive Black Cats of Texas

The Legend The legends of black cats living in and around the Piney Woods region of East Texas and Central Texas Hill Country have been told for generations. My stepfather, who would often take us boating in a lake outside of Tyler, was the first person to tell me of the cats when I was

[Video Games]

Scary Video Games to Play During Lockdown

I just read that the stay-at-home order for the coronavirus may be extended into the summer. Yeah, that’s just the news I was hoping for because I love being isolated. Staying at home with nothing to do is not always fun. However, if you have watched as much Netflix as humanly possible, then I suggest