
Lists and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Reader’s Choice: Dominique Mitchell-England Reveals Her Horror Top Ten

Ok, you know the drill. These are the articles that open up the floor to you, the Halloween Love readers and allow you to reveal your favorite horror movies and most importantly explain WHY they are your favorites. I’ve been overwhelmed with responses and I’m thrilled that the readers wanting to be involved have felt


The Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media: 5/26-5/30

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images that I’ve stumbled across on social media this past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! A handful of awesome new posters for upcoming


Reader’s Choice: Tiffani Martin Reveals Her Horror Top Ten

Ok, you know the drill. These are the articles that open up the floor to you, the Halloween Love readers and allow you to reveal your favorite horror movies and most importantly explain WHY they are your favorites. I’ve been overwhelmed with responses and I’m thrilled that the readers wanting to be involved have felt


Film Props — An Attainable Piece of Horror History

Have you ever dreamed of owning a part of cinematic history? Did you know that with a few clicks and a credit card you can? If you’re in the market for a screen used prop then look no further than Prop Store! This website has more to offer than horror films, but naturally my search


The Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media: 5/19-5/23

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images that I’ve stumbled across on social media this past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! Up for grabs today on t-shirt a day


Reader’s Choice: Cosmic Creepers Unleashes a Horror Top Ten!

It’s time for some more interaction. I want to mingle (digitally) with Halloween Love readers and get to know them a little better. Chances are most people who regularly come here love horror … a fairly safe assumption to make I would think, and the only thing I enjoy as much as watching horror is


Reader’s Choice: Rebeka Fairbanks Reveals Her Horror Top Ten

It’s time for some interaction. I want to mingle (digitally) with Halloween Love readers and get to know them a little better. Chances are most people who regularly come here love horror … a fairly safe assumption to make I would think, and the only thing I enjoy as much as watching horror is talking


The Library Ghost and Beyond: My Top Ten Favourite Jump Scares!

I’ve noticed in recent years that I seem to have become less susceptible to a good jump scare which is either due to the poor quality of the scares or simply because I’m getting older. They still catch me off guard from time to time but when you watch as much horror as I do


The Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media: 5/12-5/16

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images that I’ve stumbled across on social media this past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! The big topic of discussion all around the