
Lists and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Five Nightmare on Elm Street Sequels That Almost Happened!

Though Freddy Krueger has appeared in a grand total of nine films since bursting onto the scene 30 years ago, there are still several that were either proposed or planned, but never quite got off the ground – which is not a bad thing, in some cases. Tonight, we take a look back at some


The Most Awesome Images of the Week: 11/3-11/7

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images I’ve stumbled across on the internet this week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! We kick things off with an incredible piece of fan

[Costumes and Masks]

Ten of the Coolest 2014 Halloween Costumes!

Sometimes I hate the internet. Like, totally hate it. But in October, as Halloween inches closer, the spirit of the season seems to bring out the best in people. Sure, message boards are still cluttered with the usual banality and yes, everyone still hates everything, but there’s just something about Halloween that makes the internet

[Haunted Houses and Rides]

Five Haunted Attractions in Horror Movies!

There are a handful of things that are synonymous with the Halloween season, from pumpkin beer to pumpkin picking. But there’s perhaps no greater October joy than haunted attractions, which take horror movies to the next level and put you directly inside of them. I’ve hit up my fair share of haunts this season, including

[Costumes and Masks]

Five Totally Random Fun Facts About Halloween Costumes!

While most sites are soon going to be abandoning all mention of Halloween for the next 10 months, Halloween Love isn’t most sites. You see, we’re all about celebrating the fun of Halloween all year long, and even though the big day is a mere four days away, all that means is that the celebration


The Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media: 10/20-10/24

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images that I’ve stumbled across on social media this past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! Rotten Rentals is paying tribute to Halloween 3

[Bite-sized Horror]

My Favorite Horror Movie Moments of All Time: Number 35 — Carrie 1976

To celebrate the journey toward Halloween 2014 I’m going to do something I’ve wanted to attempt since I first started writing here on Halloween Love … put together a definitive list of my personal favorite horror movie moments and scenes. I hope you will agree with some, maybe raise an eyebrow at others and fingers