
Lists and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Horror Movie Moments That Genuinely Scared Me: Part One

My earliest horror movie memories are not of being scared by the movies, but simply having a whole lot of fun watching them. I fell in love with Freddy Krueger at a pretty young age, perhaps younger than one should be at the time of delving into the genre, and I can count on one


Your Choice: Dr. Jose from Camera Viscera Slices Open His Horror Top Ten

Welcome back fiends! It’s time for another member of our horror loving community to reflect, ponder and ultimately decide which movies mean the most to them. The rules are simple: I want to know the ten movies that mean the most to YOU. The movies that have shaped your passion for the horror genre, in


Six Early Horror Film Roles from 2015’s Oscar Nominees

It’s no secret that horror movies are very rarely recognized at the Academy Awards, with VERY few of them over the years being nominated for Oscar gold – and, of course, the list of actual winners is even more miniscule. But one of the cool things about the horror genre is that it has introduced


The Coolest Horror Toys Shown Off at Toy Fair 2015

The beauty of the internet is that you never really have to leave the house, in order to enjoy outside-the-house things. Take New York’s annual Toy Fair, for example. Sitting in my underwear, staring at my computer screen, I was able to take in all the sights of this past weekend’s event, while avoiding the


The White House Runs Red: 10 Presidential Appearances in Horror Cinema

The great thing about the horror genre is that there’s pretty much a movie for every single holiday. Whether we’re dealing with killer bunnies, pumpkins, turkeys or Santa Claus himself, there’s always at least a little something to help inject ample amounts of blood and guts into any given holiday. And the smaller ones, like


The Most Awesome Images of the Week: 2/9-FRIDAY THE 13TH!

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images I’ve stumbled across on the internet this week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! Today brings good news and better news. The good news


Five Memorable Scenes of Horror Movie Heart Trauma

Nothing says love quite like touching someone’s heart. Of course, within the confines of horror movies, that phrase takes on quite a different meaning than the intended one. In celebration of Valentine’s Day this Saturday, we wanted to look back on five horror movie moments where hearts were touched – and by touched we mean


Your Choice: Drew Marvick Swoops in to Reveal His Personal Horror Top Ten

Welcome back fiends! It’s time for another member of our horror loving community to reflect, ponder and ultimately decide which movies mean the most to them. Taking part in ‘Your Choice’ can seem an easy task at first, but the majority of readers and individuals I’ve invited to create a list have admitted finding the


Seven Hidden Horror Movie Treats You May Not Have Noticed!

Have you ever watched a favorite movie for the umpteenth time and spotted something in it that you had never noticed before? Say, the Xenomorph skull in Predator 2? Or perhaps Freddy Krueger’s glove hanging above the woodshed door in Evil Dead 2? How about the Necromonicon, in Jason Goes to Hell? Spotting these little