

I love horror, art, toys, comics, monsters and ANYTHING that came from the 1980s. Share our stuff and thank you for reading, we do it all for you!


Bringing the Horror Back: Does Alien 3 Deserve More Love Than it Gets?

Alien 3 is a divisive movie, I’ve witnessed some seriously heated online debates over the years about certain Horror and Sci-Fi films but nothing comes close to the perfect storm of emotions that Alien 3 discussions tend to unleash. The first time I watched it was mid 1993 on a fuzzy, low quality VHS tape


Jason, Maggots and Tony Stark: My Q&A with Friday the 13th Artist Mike Wolfer

If you’ve followed my articles in recent weeks you will know I have a soft spot for horror comic books, especially books that feature the iconic characters we all know and love. Sometimes years can go by without anything being produced but occasionally the stars align, deals are made and good things happen. In 2005


Feeling Thirsty?: Time to Reach for Some Halloween H20!

I like Halloween H20, I liked it when I first watched it on the big screen and have liked it just as much in the years since. There was a time when I believed the general consensus was that it’s a fantastic Halloween movie / sequel but after recently commenting on a forum post about

[Something More]

A Harold Ramis Tribute: My Favorite Egon Moments

I was truly saddened to hear about the passing of Harold Ramis in the news today. No other film sums up the magic of my 1980s childhood more than Ghostbusters. It still remains the best experience I have ever had in a movie theatre and I watch it at least once or twice a year.


Get Ready to Rumble: My Q&A with Nancy A. Collins Writer of Jason vs Leatherface

Over the years several Comic book companies have cautiously entered the realm of the Horror Icons. Freddy, Jason, Ash, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Pinhead, all have seen print with varying degrees of success. Chaos comics released a handful of Halloween books that connected to the universe created in the movies and were actually pretty damn good.


Enter Pinbacker: Taking a Look at the Horror Within Danny Boyle’s Sunshine

Sunshine is a fascinating film, it divides critics and casual viewers alike. The general consensus seems to be that it’s high quality but the sudden swerve the entire movie takes half way through has generated huge debate and that is what I am keen to ultimately give my opinion on here. When you strip away


Dog Days: Revisiting Zoltan, Hound of Dracula! 1978

The first time I watched Zoltan, Hound Of Dracula (also known as ‘Dracula’s Dog’) I was about 9 years old. It was a very hot Summers day, roughly 3pm in the afternoon and I was curled up on the sofa with a bad cold. My Dad got me a LARGE Strawberry Sundae from the ice