

Movie Review: The Houses October Built (2014)

Found footage movies have acquired a pretty lousy reputation over the years. In many ways, the sub-genre has come to represent the absolute pinnacle of creative bankruptcy within the horror genre, as each new one feels like an exact replica of the last. The problem with this rampant horror fan hatred of all things found

[Bite-sized Horror]

My Favorite Horror Movie Moments of All Time: Number 39 — The Omen

To celebrate the journey toward Halloween 2014 I’m going to do something I’ve wanted to attempt since I first started writing here on Halloween Love … put together a definitive list of my personal favorite horror movie moments and scenes. I hope you will agree with some, maybe raise an eyebrow at others and fingers


The Walking Dead Season 5 Premiere: Recap and Thoughts

Intensity. Action. Drama. Horror. Extreme gore. CRAZY. ASS. ZOMBIES. These are just a handful of things we’ve come to expect from The Walking Dead, the reigning king of horror television whose feet, perhaps now more than ever, all of us fans should be bowing before and kissing. Because all of these things were packed into


All 10 Halloween Films: Rated from Worst to Best

Just finished watching the Complete Collection (Limited Deluxe Edition) of all the Halloween films to date, and all the special features and commentaries. I have to say this is one the best box set experiences I’ve ever had. While I’ve of course seen all of the movies many times over and over through the years

[Bite-sized Horror]

My Favorite Horror Movie Moments of All Time: Number 40 — Scream

To celebrate the journey toward Halloween 2014 I’m going to do something I’ve wanted to attempt since I first started writing here on Halloween Love … put together a definitive list of my personal favorite horror movie moments and scenes. I hope you will agree with some, maybe raise an eyebrow at others and fingers

[Bite-sized Horror]

My Favorite Horror Movie Moments of All Time: Number 41 — Psycho

To celebrate the journey toward Halloween 2014 I’m going to do something I’ve wanted to attempt since I first started writing here on Halloween Love … put together a definitive list of my personal favorite horror movie moments and scenes. I hope you will agree with some, maybe raise an eyebrow at others and fingers


Movie Review: Annabelle

There’s a dialogue exchange in American Beauty that I’ve never forgotten, between Ricky and Angela. “You’re boring,” Ricky tells her. “And you’re totally ordinary. And you know it.” At the moment, I can’t think of a more perfect way to describe how I feel about Annabelle, fresh off of viewing enduring it at my local


The Strain Season 1 Finale: Recap and Thoughts

It feels like just yesterday that a plane full of undead passengers landed in New York, and long-tongued vampires began ravaging the city. And yet, it was nearly three months ago that The Strain premiered on FX, the show wrapping up its inaugural season with last night’s 13th episode. Throughout the course of the season,

[Bite-sized Horror]

My Favorite Horror Movie Moments of All Time: Number 43 — The Dead Zone

To celebrate the journey toward Halloween 2014 I’m going to do something I’ve wanted to attempt since I first started writing here on Halloween Love … put together a definitive list of my personal favorite horror movie moments and scenes. I hope you will agree with some, maybe raise an eyebrow at others and fingers