
[Bite-sized Horror]

Rosemary’s Baby (TV Movie)

Not bad, not good, just pointless. Rosemary’s Baby (2014), to the shock of no one I’m sure, comes no where near the atmosphere, melancholy, and greatness of the original classic. I don’t even have a default position of prejudging remakes, I enjoy plenty of remakes. I also have no complaints about this particular remake, other


Mother’s Day: A Remake That’s Just Begging for More Attention

Exactly two years ago, on this very date, Darren Lynn Bousman’s remake of the 1980 Troma film Mother’s Day was released on home video. And over the course of those past two years, I’ve heard very little discussion about the film, within the horror community. It’s never celebrated as being one of the best remakes


Forget Halloween 3D… Let Bryan Fuller Remake Halloween 3!

Earlier today, Bloody Disgusting broke the news out of the Cannes Film Festival that the brothers Weinstein are once again interested in making Halloween 3D a reality, which is of course an exciting tidbit of information for all fans of Michael Myers and his stalking & slashing ways. At the same time though, this certainly


The One Quality the Best Horror Remakes Have, and the Worst Do Not

Remakes. The mere mention of the word almost always invokes passion from us horror fans, and whether you love them or you absolutely cannot stand them, there’s one thing that’s for certain; remakes are an incredible conversation starter. Personally, I have absolutely no issue with remakes, and I feel that hating a movie for being


Evil Dead (Remake) Review

Bravo. Fucking bravo. End of review. Okay, I have a few more things to say than that. These days, whether a remake, reimagining, sequel, prequel, or supposed “original” hits the big screen, the odds are usually in the house’s favor. They take your money and you definitely don’t win. That’s the beauty with movie studios


Michael Bay, Platinum Dunes, and the Remake Debate

Michael Bay and Platinum Dunes have come under a lot of criticism lately for (in the opinions of many fans) butchering many beloved franchises and brands. I’m not going to jump on any bandwagons, either for or against Michael Bay, Platinum Dunes, Brad Fuller, or Andrew Form. I’m simply going to go over some of

[Bite-sized Horror]

Fright Night Remake

The original Fright Night was fucking awesome, but admittedly, the remake looks pretty cool too (although much different from the original as remakes should be): At first, I was thinking Colin Farrell as a baddie, nah? But, remember a time when people were thinking: “Heath Ledger as The Joker? Not going to work.” And then