

Movie Review: Digging Up the Marrow (2015)

If there’s any filmmaker currently working within the confines of the horror genre who is most worthy of being referred to as ‘one of us,’ it’s without question Adam Green. A hardcore fan through and through, Green has done nothing but impress since coming onto the scene with 2006’s Hatchet, proving with follow-up films Spiral


Five of the Best Retro Horror Movie Teaser Trailers

With the advent of the internet, teaser trailers have become more popular than ever, utilized as a way to generate fan interest in a film before the actual trailer is ready for viewing. But teasers are nothing new, and in fact, the ones from decades past are much cooler than the ones we typically get


Movie Review: Starry Eyes (2014)

Especially around this time of the year, with awards season in full swing, it’s almost impossible to not be lured in by the glamour that seemingly embodies the Hollywood lifestyle. But as we’ve seen time and time again, there’s a dark side to all the glitz and glamour, and that side has never seemed quite


The Most Awesome Images of the Week: 1/26-1/30

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images I’ve stumbled across on the internet this week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! I can’t think of a better company to handle the


Making Magic: Halloween Love Talks to Digital Art Master Casey Callender

This week my quick-fire Q&A features a chat with mega talent Casey Callender, an artist I have been following with great interest for some time. For many reasons his work represents the kind of art I desperately wish studios would once again embrace in an official way for movie promotion … it’s infused with that

[Something More]

Lay Off the Nostalgia, Horror Fans: It’s Okay to Like New Movies Too

Before we even begin, I just want to say that I don’t mean to criticize anyone with what I’m about to type. In fact, I myself am guilty of many of the things I’m going to be ranting about. All I’m looking to do here is start an intelligent discussion, and get some thoughts off


Movie Review: Honeymoon (2014)

In 2012, Cabin in the Woods systematically deconstructed the ‘young people in a cabin’ sub-genre, imparting the message that enough is quite frankly enough, and it’s time for a change. Ever since then, it’s been hard to take movies of that sort seriously, though every once in a while a film comes along and reminds


Ten Years Later, The Descent is Still Crawling into Nightmares

July 8th of 2005 marked the UK release of The Descent, a film that came to the states the following year. Neil Marshall’s British creature feature was a claustrophobic masterpiece that I still consider to be one of my favorite theatrical experiences, and as we near the film’s 10th anniversary, I wanted to take a


Movie Review: Wolves (2014)

Sight unseen, Wolves is already an intriguing beast, as it marks the directorial debut of a pretty big name in Hollywood. David Hayter, who also wrote the werewolf flick, has penned a handful of superhero movies in the past decade, including X-Men, X-Men 2 and Watchmen. A guy with some impressive credentials, to say the