
Reviews, anecdotes, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Remake Revisit: Thirteen Ghosts (2001)

We open on a creepy junkyard. We’re told that some sort of malevolent entity calls the location home, and it appears that a mysterious man is attempting to stuff the monster into a glass box and use him for his own mischievous purposes. We have no idea who this man is or really what the


Fear The Walking Dead — Thoughts on the Series Premiere

Ever since its premiere back in 2010, the main complaint about The Walking Dead has been that there’s too much of a focus on the characters and their human drama, and not enough on the zombies. How does the network respond to this criticism? In an admirably ballsy move, by launching a spinoff series that


Movie Review: Cub (2015)

They had their heyday in the 80s, became decidedly less cool in the 90s, and have in recent years fallen completely off the map and been mostly replaced by tales of the paranormal. I’m of course talking about slasher films, perhaps the single most beloved sub-genre of horror. But they’re seemingly set to make a


Movie Review: Final Girl (2015)

A handful of horror films have come along over the years and played around with the tropes of the genre, with Scream of course being a notably successful example. Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon and The Cabin in the Woods took similarly meta approaches to their subject matter, and this year’s Final


Movie Review: Toolbox Murders 2 (2015)

Tobe Hooper directed what is likely to be his last good horror movie back in 2004, remaking 1978’s The Toolbox Murders as, simply, Toolbox Murders. Starring Angela Bettis, the film turned the 70s ‘video nasty’ into an 80s-style slasher flick, giving rise to a hideously deformed monster who was dubbed ‘Coffin Baby’ in the end


Good Vibrations: Remembering Why Tremors Was so Damn Good!

Earlier this week we got a first look at the trailer for the FIFTH movie in the Tremors franchise, Tremors 5: Bloodlines. It’s been a few years since I really thought about these movies, but watching the trailer made my mind drift back to the year 1990, and I spent some time pondering a low


Movie Review: Dark Was the Night (2015)

The majority of monster movies that have come out in the last several years have been exports of Syfy’s increasingly nauseating stupidity machine, and the focus of those B-movies is typically placed on laughable creatures, one-dimensional characters, and intentionally poor storytelling. Thankfully, those are three qualities found in the network’s output that are not found


To Stream or Not to Stream? Creep (2015)

The found footage sub-genre has developed a pretty poor reputation over the years, which is somewhat unfair to the gimmick. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the filmmaking style that is the problem, but rather the fact that most filmmakers are using it to tell the same generic stories. Creep, exclusively available for instant streaming


The Strain Season 2 Premiere: Five Coolest Moments

Ephraim Goodweather, Abraham Setrakian and the whole vampire-killing gang returned last night in the Season 2 premiere of FX’s The Strain, which was 90-minutes long and packed with rubbery monsters galore. This season, the vampire apocalypse is in full swing, and if last night’s premiere was any indication, our Sunday nights are about to be


Video Game Visions: Continuing My 8-Bit Adventure with the NECA Dog Alien

A friend recently asked me what I considered to be the coolest horror toy ever released, and to my surprise the answer fell out of my mouth without even taking a few seconds to think about it – The NECA video game Jason Voorhees. With his amazing display box that recreates the game packaging, his