
Reviews, anecdotes, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Rare Exports: The Original Krampus Horror Movie

Released earlier this month, Michael Dougherty’s Krampus became a surprise hit at the box office, and I think it’s safe to say the film’s success can be chalked up to both positive reviews and the fact that the titular character is currently more popular than ever. Dougherty’s movie quite literally came along at the perfect


Horror Icons in Space — Leprechaun 4

It’s often said by fans that outer space is where horror franchises go to die, and the film that’s typically cited as evidence of that statement is of course Jason X. But the Friday the 13th franchise wasn’t the only one to take a rocket ship to the stars, and it certainly wasn’t the first.


Horror Icons in Space — Critters 4

It’s often said by fans that outer space is where horror franchises go to die, and the film that’s typically cited as evidence of that statement is of course Jason X. But the Friday the 13th franchise wasn’t the only one to take a rocket ship to the stars, and it certainly wasn’t the first.


Horror Icons in Space — Hellraiser 4: Bloodline

It’s often said by fans that outer space is where horror franchises go to die, and the film that’s typically cited as evidence of that statement is of course Jason X. But the Friday the 13th franchise wasn’t the only one to take a rocket ship to the stars, and it certainly wasn’t the first.


Movie Review — Goodnight Mommy (2015)

Ever since its festival debut last year, the buzz surrounding Austrian horror film Goodnight Mommy has been off the charts. When the creepy trailer hit a few months back, many were already praising it as the scariest movie of the year, and then there was all the “hype” generated by the announcement that the film

[Books and Comics]

Graphic Novel Review — Krampus: Shadow of Saint Nicholas

The growing popularity of Krampus has been almost palpable in recent years, and it was only a matter of time before the Christmas beast broke on through into the mainstream. On Friday, December 4th, Trick ‘r Treat writer/director Michael Dougherty brings the shadow of Saint Nick out of the shadows and onto the silver screen


To Stream or Not to Stream? Last Shift (2015)

It would be an understatement to say the world was rocked by the Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969, which were orchestrated by Charles Manson. Decades later, we still can’t stop talking about the murders or Manson himself, and countless movies over the years have derived inspiration from the horrific acts his followers carried out. For his


To Stream or Not to Stream? Kristy (2015)

The reason fans still can’t stop talking about Eli Roth’s trailer for faux film Thanksgiving is because it filled a gap left behind by a serious lack of Thanksgiving horror films over the years. Unlike Christmas, horror movies set on Turkey Day are few and far between, and films like Blood Rage, Home Sweet Home


Halloween Specials — King of Queens: ‘Ticker Treat’ (2001)

The cool thing about the Halloween season is that EVERYONE suddenly embraces and celebrates the things we love all year round. Non-horror television shows have proven to be no exception to that rule over the years, often getting their horror on in the weeks leading into the greatest holiday of the year. No show did