[Bite-sized Horror]

The HL Christmas Countdown: Flying the Friendly Skies with Manhunter

December is once again upon us, and the Halloween season never feels further away than it does right now. But here at HL we like to think we can inject a little horror into EVERY month of the year, so welcome to the first entry in my Xmas countdown with a difference. Each day I’ll

[Books and Comics]

Graphic Novel Review — Krampus: Shadow of Saint Nicholas

The growing popularity of Krampus has been almost palpable in recent years, and it was only a matter of time before the Christmas beast broke on through into the mainstream. On Friday, December 4th, Trick ‘r Treat writer/director Michael Dougherty brings the shadow of Saint Nick out of the shadows and onto the silver screen

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Halloween Love Christmas Countdown: Legend Needs an Exorcist!

December is once again upon us, and the Halloween season never feels further away than it does right now. But here at HL we like to think we can inject a little horror into EVERY month of the year, so welcome to the first entry in my Xmas countdown with a difference. Each day I’ll


The Coolest Horror Movie Promotional Items: Volume 3

Earlier this year we kicked off a fun feature here on Halloween Love devoted entirely to the various promotional items studios and distribution companies have whipped up for their films over the years. Volume One featured everything from an Amityville Horror snow globe to a Leprechaun bendy toy, and in Volume Two we covered oddities


In Space No One Can Hear You Build: More Incredible Aliens Scenes Recreated in Lego!

In May of last year I posted a short interview here on HL with a Flickr user called Missing Brick – who has painstakingly built a series of highly detailed and spine-tingling Lego scenes that pay tribute to classic moments from James Cameron’s Aliens. Each build is huge and gloriously accurate, but the magical finishing


To Stream or Not to Stream? Last Shift (2015)

It would be an understatement to say the world was rocked by the Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969, which were orchestrated by Charles Manson. Decades later, we still can’t stop talking about the murders or Manson himself, and countless movies over the years have derived inspiration from the horrific acts his followers carried out. For his


Awaiting the Covenant: What the Fuck is Going on with the Alien Franchise?!

There’s never a dull moment when it comes to the Alien universe, and this week we were provided with a surprisingly large amount of information regarding the next chapter in this troubled franchise with the release of an official synopsis and title! Alien Covenant. Synopsis: Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created in Alien