[Bite-sized Horror]

The First ALIEN COVENANT Teaser Poster Wants You to RUN from a Familiar Face!

Well, this poster seems to confirm two important things. The first is that Alien Covenant has been moved FORWARD to May next year, which really isn’t far away at all! And more importantly, it’s a poster that wants EVERYONE to know that this Alien movie will actually have Aliens in it! Prometheus burned me badly,


The Horror Closet #4 — Interview with Horror Journalist, Trace Thurman

I recently had the chance to conduct an interview via email with out horror blogger and journalist, Trace Thurman of the website, Bloody Disgusting. It was exciting for me to pick his brain as an article he wrote a while back (which we discuss in the interview below) was a huge inspiration for this very


Interview with Krillbite: Developers of Among the Sleep

Lately, I’ve been on a bit of a binge playing exploration/walking simulator games. While I’ve enjoyed them all, I was most compelled to reach out to Krillbite Studios about their game Among the Sleep, because I could relate to it so much on a personal level. HL: Let’s get the dark stuff out of the


Film Review: The Monster

Personally, there is nothing I love more than a good “creature feature”. The Universal Monsters kick started the genre way back when and ever since we have seen it grow into a massive subset filled with all different kinds of movies. Ranging from crazy expensive studio blockbusters to tiny indie horror films with little to

[Video Games]

Horror Video Games Master List

Last Updated: — 🧡 Original Objective To my surprise, I couldn’t find a truly complete, definitive, master list of all the horror video games that were ever created anywhere online. At first glance, that may seem like an impossible, certainly daunting task, but not really if you think about it. We’re talking about one of


Interview with Anthony Hickox: Director of Waxwork

An interview with Anthony Hickox, director of the cult horror film and one of our all-time favorites, Waxwork. HL: The Waxwork series, it’s a tour de force of monster mayhem. The original movie feels like a dozen horror flicks compressed into one. So, I have to ask, what was the genesis for the story? Did


Layers of Fear: Like Going Inside a Nightmare on Elm Street Film

With the game Layers of Fear, I think outside of there being VR support for the game (Update!) or maybe a sequel some time in the future, this is perhaps the closest anyone will ever get to feeling the experience of living a Nightmare movie. This game is crammed full of amazing visuals, creative scares,


Challenge Week #4 — 31 Films. 31 Days. Happy Halloween!

In celebration of Samhain, a lot of horrorphiles have turned to lining up epic lists of 31 horror films for all 31 days of October. I’ve never actually done this myself as, to be quite honest, I watch horror films all year long. However, with work and numerous other responsibilities getting in the way, I

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: A Rat in the Desert

Yesterday I shared with you all a recurring nightmare I had a few years back that truly terrified me. It was one of those dreams you never forget and definitely never shake, but today I wanted to share a different kind of nightmare I used to have a regular basis. Much like with horror movies,