[Something More]

Event Horizon

I have been into horror for as long as I can remember. I believe my love of the genre started when I was a little boy watching the creature double features with my dad on Saturday afternoons. He would often fall asleep on the couch while I was left watching things like The Thing With

[Real Horror]

High Hopes

I lived in Pennsylvania in the 1970s and 1980s. If you were lucky enough to live in that section of the East Coast back then, you’ll remember how often the real-life crimes and the tale of The Amityville Horror came up in the news and on television specials. I was (and still am) fascinated by


Under Rotting Sky

On April 20th, a book was released that might have flown under your radar. It was from Matthew Brockmeyer, author of Kind Nepenthe, which you may have heard of through some roughly eight thousand glowing reviews. His latest, titled Under Rotting Sky, is an anthology that deserves your attention … now. And that’s a “now”

[Creator Corner]

The Haunted Mansion — Fan Film Trailer

Greetings friends, my name is N.R. Van Slambrouck and I, as much as anybody, want to see the long, oft-rumored Guillermo del Toro Haunted Mansion film. But I think there are several financial reasons why it may not ever happen. In my dismay at thinking the only Haunted Mansion-related film we would ever be privy


Retro SF Review: The Exile, by Alfred Coppel (1952)

Car crashes can happen easily. A simple matter of not following the lanes of the road will do it. But in a world where everyone is forced to stay in their lane, one man tries to veer off the path. “The Exile,” by Alfred Copper (published in Astounding Science Fiction, May 1952), is set eight

[Something More]

Trigger Warning

A question was posed to me: Should there be trigger warnings for horror movies and books? Before I answer, I must state that I have been called out for my lack of trigger warnings on my novel Black Devil Spine. I figured if the book’s description and cover alone did not provide ample warning of

[Something More]

Open Request: Time, Dimension, or Space Travelers — Please Take Me with You

Attention Travelers or Future Travelers, I very much enjoy being alive, but I don’t particularly like my reality. I’ve always known that something was wrong, that I didn’t belong, that I struggled to relate to my peers on even the most basic matters, through all stages of life. I know they say that the grass


This is Us

After seeing Us I think I can safely say the scariest thing about it was the trailer. I did not hate it, though. In fact, I thought it was a well-done horror film, and I am glad it did well at the box office and resonated with people. I just came out of it feeling


The Crow

25 years ago, The Crow was released. I saw it then, a few more times over the years on VHS, DVD, and now, 25 years later, I’ve just seen it on Blu-ray, with better picture and sound than I’d ever seen it before. Still just as incredibly beautiful and tragic, and I’ve only noticed more


Eastrail 177 Trilogy

I loved every moment of every film (Unbreakable/Split/Glass) in the Eastrail 177 Trilogy. Now that this trilogy is complete, I’m going to have to think long and hard about where it fits into my “Best Movie Trilogies of All Time” list. I think it might actually make the top 10. Of the the 3 movies,