
Lists and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Scary Love — A Tribute to Famous Horror Couples

In honor of Valentine’s Day I’m going to present five of my favorite horror movie duos. Of course these are open to interpretation but I think you’d be hard pressed to disagree. 5. Coming in at number five is Jerry Dandridge and Billy Cole from Fright Night. This may be the most controversial couple on


The Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media — Week #2

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images that I’ve stumbled across on social media this past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! This first one comes from the Tumblr blog


Horror Conventions: How Not to Suck at Meeting Celebrities

It’s fair to say that when you grow up obsessing over horror films you’d be at least a little nervous to meet your favorite icons of fright. With so many conventions spreading all across the globe, meeting your favorite celebrity has never been easier. As a person who frequents conventions I’m here to give you


The Power of Music Compels You: Four Awesome Exorcist-Inspired Music Videos!

Few horror movies have been referenced, paid homage to and parodied more over the years than The Exorcist, which turned the ripe old age of 40 just last year. Chock full of imagery that’s equal parts memorable and terrifying, from the titular character arriving at the home of a possessed young girl to that possessed


Five Awesome Items on Sale from the Prop Store

On Christmas morning a few years back, my brother gifted me with a blood-stained bathrobe, which turned out to be a screen used costume from Quarantine, the 2008 remake of the Spanish horror film REC. The highly unique gift was my introduction to The Prop Store, which houses the largest and most impressive collection of


The 10 Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media — Week #1

We live in a social media obsessed society, and whether we like it or not, our days are ruled over by things like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram. As someone who writes for a living, and therefore spends most of his days sitting at home on the computer, I know this all too well. To


Ode to the End Credits Song

Not exclusive to horror movies, but especially prevalent in horror movies through the late 80s and early 90s, we were treated to a special “made just for the movie” end credits rap or rock song. Sometimes, just a fun and bizarre mix. For reasons I don’t understand, this had become a sort of unspoken Hollywood


Five Awesome Cameos in 2013 Horror Movies

From Freddy Krueger smacking Johnny Depp in the face with a frying pan in Freddy’s Dead to Bill Murray popping up as a ‘zombie’ in Zombieland, the horror genre has seen some pretty awesome and totally unexpected cameos over the years. Back in 2010, on my blog Freddy In Space, I highlighted the top 20


Three More Upcoming Documentaries Shine the Spotlight on Us Fans

Earlier this week, we took a look at five upcoming documentaries we should all be excited about. While those docs were all about specific horror movies and franchises, today we’re here to talk about documentaries that are all about us; the fans. It is the horror fans that keep this genre alive and kickin’, and


Five Upcoming Documentaries to Be Excited About

The past few years have seen the birth and rise of fan-made documentaries about iconic horror films, docs like Never Sleep Again, Crystal Lake Memories and More Brains: A Return to the Living Dead digging a whole lot deeper into our favorite movies than your typical DVD bonus features ever possibly could. It’s a trend