Video Games

Video games, arcade, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


The Suicide of Rachel Foster Review

The Suicide of Rachel Foster is more of a slow burn than any other walking simulator I’ve played. It never reveals itself with anything overtly demonstrating that it’s based in a non-supernatural, supernatural, or psychological reality, and it’s of my personal opinion that it’s all three. You’ll have to play to decide for yourself. These


Destroy All Humans! (2020) Review

Destroy All Humans! is a game I waited a devastatingly long time to play, but I never forgot. Way back in 2005, when demos still came on discs, often packaged with other games or gaming magazines, receivable by mail, or given away at local media stores, I’d never had so much fun with just a


The Last of Us Part II Review

Read my review of the original The Last of Us. It’s like a time capsule. That was so long ago now (2013), that my writing quality, grammar, and structure have greatly improved since then. I’m seeing lots of criticism regarding the woke/SJW/LGBTQ/whatever aspects of the game, so I want to nip that in the bud


Resident Evil 2 Remake Review

Over 20 years ago, I played my first Resident Evil game, and my first major 3D console horror game, (of course I had played some spooky NES and computer titles much earlier), and that was Resident Evil 2. This game was definitely a game changer for me, and one of the first times I remember


DayZ Review (sort of)

If you search for DayZ reviews, you’re going to discover that A. many sites simply omitted reviewing the game at all (probably because they didn’t know how to), and B. of those that did review the game, they didn’t review it very favorably. I first noticed this when I was downloading the game, especially on

[Video Games]

Scary Video Games to Play During Lockdown

I just read that the stay-at-home order for the coronavirus may be extended into the summer. Yeah, that’s just the news I was hoping for because I love being isolated. Staying at home with nothing to do is not always fun. However, if you have watched as much Netflix as humanly possible, then I suggest

[Bite-sized Horror]

Resident Evil 3 Remake

Mark your calendars for April 3rd, 2020! Of all the Resident Evil remakes that have been coming out, it was always RE3 that I wanted the most. One word: Nemesis Among all the most terrifying monsters throughout the Resident Evil franchise, to me, Nemesis is hands-down, the scariest. 20 years ago, when I played the

[Horror, But Not Horror]

Horror, But Not Horror: More Red Dead Redemption II

Part I | Part II of spooky stuff found in Red Dead Redemption II Wow. I really had no idea. In part I of my exploration of all things creepy in the world of Red Dead Redemption II, I had already beaten the game and done a ton of exploring and mystery-solving, but I had

[Creator Corner]

Safe and Sound — Short Film Kickstarter

Hello, I’m Ian Kammer, the director and co-writer of the short film Safe and Sound, a genre film in the tone of The Descent, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Halloween, that follows a young woman at the center of a subterranean monster invasion in a suburban Southern California home. Growing up in the


Layers of Fear 2 is a Haunted House Simulator

I love, love, LOVED the first Layers of Fear game. Like the first game, Layers of Fear 2 is essentially what people would refer to as a “walking simulator.” However, I feel like the developers have basically created their own sub-genre, a “haunted house simulator.” At least, that is the very best possible way to