
[Creator Corner]

“The Cursed Mix of BoJoTep” 2023 Spooky Mix Tape

BREAKING NEWS!!!! Archaeologists have uncovered yet another previously unknown tomb. This time the tomb belonged to ancient Egyptian pharaoh, BoJoTep. Legends say this dark and spooky ruler was mummified before burial, but his tomb was protected by a diabolical curse. The legends have been proven true. The tomb was opened in the early hours of

[Bite-sized Horror]

Fixating on the Pet Sematary Two Limited Edition Soundtrack

I’ve always loved Pet Sematary Two, which is probably one of the first movies that had me experiencing melancholy, an emotion I did not yet fully understand. It’s a special feeling, and I love it. And a lot of that melancholy was driven by the composer, Mark Governor. There’s a limited release of the soundtrack

[Creator Corner]

BoJo’s “Mix of Misfortune” Spooky Mix Tape 2021

In these troubled times, we are all understandably nervous about what the future holds. What will life be like in a post-covid world? Will we ever truly be “post”-covid or is this something we will continue to carry with us for ever? There has been no better time than now to see the mysterious powers

[Creator Corner]

BoJo’s “Mix 9 from Outer Space” Spooky Mix Tape 2020

Happy Spooky Season to All! As if 2020 wasn’t already strange enough, BoJo is back with an out-of-this-world mixtape to get us through the quarantine Halloween season! BoJo’s “Mix 9 From Outer Space”! If you’re new to BoJo’s mixes, then please prepare thyself to hear FRESH new spooky tracks that aren’t the usual worn out


October Mood Music 2019: Part One

Tuesday, October 1st: Creepshow OST (1982) Recommended track for a Halloween Party: ANY! Composed by John Harrison, this album means a lot to me as it’s the score for one of my favorite films, my father and I used to try to learn riffs together from it, it helps keep me pumped and focused when