Something More

Something more, something special, personal, community, donations, petitions, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Something More]

Rest in Peace, Honorary ‘Aliens’ Star Craig Windrix

I’m normally not the type of person to turn someone’s passing into a blog post, but since I know most of the horror sites likely won’t be covering this one, and since it’s a story I’ve been following over the course of the last several months, I feel it’s important to use my little soap

[Something More]

The SCP Foundation

Imagine a government organization created solely to secure, contain, and protect paranormal anomalies in order to study them, help them, or keep them locked up. Imagine multiple facilities all around the world, multiple doctors and scientists, multiple test subjects and volunteers, all coming together to continue the research of these creatures and entities to keep

[Guest Posts]

Coming Out of the Coffin: A Brief Exploration of Modern Urban Vampire Subculture

Today, it is hard to go a few days without hearing about vampires. They dominate our television, our fiction, our movies, our politics, and even our past. From popular culture to history, vampires are ever-present. But while these vampires are creatures of legend and popular fiction, there are also individuals in contemporary society who call

[Something More]


I’ve always been drawn to witches since I was a young child. Not an obsession, and not exactly a fetish, but I feel a warmth there, a loving nature. I’m of course not talking of “evil” witchcraft or satanism in its commonly misunderstood connotation, but “good” witches. And before you say “But, witches aren’t real.”

[Something More]


Few films are truly worthy of being called macabre and the definition alone and synonyms really don’t live up to it either: ma·ca·bre /məˈkäbrə/ (I personally pronounce it as meh·kob — expert discussion of pronunciation) Adjective Disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury: “a macabre series of murders”. Synonyms

[Bite-sized Horror]

Cool Halloween Inventions

I was only recently introduced to Kickstarter, a social platform that helps ideas get off the ground both in the “spread the word” sense and the “funding to put it into production” sense. What surprised me, is all the fun Halloween and horror themed ideas. For example, the zombie mugs: Here are a few others

[Haunted Houses and Rides]

Universal Studios

An absolute playground for someone like me. Right as you enter the park, you’re greeted with a year-round haunted house attraction: House of Horrors. Which is definitely revamped and up-scaled for Halloween. But, it was pretty fun on a non-Halloween season day as well. Not very scary, but a great sight to be seen nonetheless.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Tiny Tim

Beautiful and haunting.

[Something More]

The Saddest Music in the World

And furthermore, the most beautiful songs in the entire world. I’ve seen similar articles, lists, and so on, and have always been disappointed. Perhaps sadness is extremely subjective? Perhaps some don’t know what true sadness is? I think true sadness has no face, no description, and no one to describe the phenomenon to us. Similar

[Something More]

My Dream Girl

Something to listen to while you read: I dreamt last night that I met the most beautiful woman. I seemed to be helping her out of some place (we were driving out of a canyon on a nice day). The car broke down and we had a long walk ahead of us. Eventually, she could