


I ♥ Halloween. I am the creator, editor, and keeper of Halloween Love. Although you'll find new creeps about helping me to maintain these macabre archives of dread.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Dead & Buried

Dead & Buried is a disturbing, disturbing movie, delightfully so. Oh, and Robert Englund has a small part in it.


Horror: The Film Genre Explained

Most words have many meanings, definitions, and interpretations. The biggest distinction is often that of book definition vs social definition, which can be present in an almost meme-like fashion sometimes. It really depends on the context. Book Definition hor·ror ˈhôrər,ˈhär-/ noun an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust “children screamed in horror” synonyms: terror,

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Last of Us: Left Behind

I spent an absurd amount of time messing around in the Halloween store. It’s moments like this in video games that I find the most delightful. Here’s a glimpse…

[Bite-sized Horror]

Last Night’s Episode of True Detective

“Who Goes There” — Holy fucking shit. I haven’t had this much of a rush being immersed in a story since Breaking Bad. We’ve seen TV evolve to become more and more serious over the years, as John mentioned here, and without a doubt TV has matched the production quality, acting, and writing of big

[Bite-sized Horror]

Don’t Forget About FreakyLinks

What you don’t know, can’t hurt you, but what you search for, might get you… See the Old Site — Hurdy Gur

[Bite-sized Horror]

Miss Robichaux’s Academy

Reach out now if you feel you have otherworldly powers and might be a witch: cordelia@robichauxacademy.com You’re not alone.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Curse of Chucky

I went into watching Curse of Chucky with very few expectations and came out quite delighted. The movie is full of great fun and lots of nods to fans of the original trilogy with one really special treat. I won’t spoil anything (if you somehow haven’t seen it yet), but one of my only gripes

[Bite-sized Horror]

Flowers in the Attic (TV Movie)

Just watched the Lifetime adaptation of the book Flowers in the Attic. While I did enjoy it and it’s apparently much closer to the book than the 1987 movie, I enjoyed the theatrical movie endlessly more and much more deeply.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Graveyard Shift

A very underrated Stephen King adaptation with low ratings and bad reviews across the board, but I absolutely love it.


Ode to the End Credits Song

Not exclusive to horror movies, but especially prevalent in horror movies through the late 80s and early 90s, we were treated to a special “made just for the movie” end credits rap or rock song. Sometimes, just a fun and bizarre mix. For reasons I don’t understand, this had become a sort of unspoken Hollywood