
[Real Horror]

Demons & Possession with Ed

Ed and I are seated at a campfire, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. All around us, thick copses of trees, barely perceptible in the dark. If we focus our gazes up long enough, we can see the stars. I am sitting opposite him across the fire, contemplating making another s’more, and he’s watching me,

[Contests and Giveaways]

Real Nightmares: Giveaway Edition

We’ve accepted guest posts where people shared their nightmares in the past, but for the giveaway, we’ll have people call in and leave a voicemail about their nightmare. How to Enter Before making the call, some important notes: It must be real! No fiction please. It must be yours! No retelling other people’s nightmares or

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Joe Meets the Yeti

Let me tell you the earliest recurring nightmare of mine I can remember. I must’ve had this same dream a dozen times when I was around 4 or 5. I can’t even believe I’m typing it up now. This may be the single most personal thing I’ve ever written. In this dream, I’ve been taken

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Up and Down, Round and Round

When asked about recurring nightmares I always have one big one that comes to mind. I don’t have it anymore but a few years back, over the course of roughly six months, I would have this nightmare half a dozen times. The sequence of events was always the same and always cripplingly terrifying. The nightmare

[Guest Posts]

Real Nightmares: Drinks Are on Us

Although the surroundings are different, the nightmares that I’ve been having the past few years involve some of the same things. It starts like a regular dream, but turns nightmarish when a glass of liquid, varying between full to 1/4 full, is randomly sitting there. Without thinking, I grab it and chug it down. As

[Guest Posts]

Real Nightmares: Knock, Knock

I’ve had this recurring nightmare as long as I can remember. I’m sitting in the living room of my parent’s house, and even though I’m 30 years old now, I’m always a child (perhaps seven or eight) in this setting. Someone knocks at the door and I go through the kitchen and into the laundry

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Mummy Stairs

In vein of the Real Nightmares reality show that never made it to air, I thought we’d have a little segment where we invite you, the reader, to share your own nightmares here on Halloween Love. Simply submit a guest post with a header in this format: Real Nightmares: [Simple, Title-like Description of Your Nightmare]

[Something More]

My Dream Girl

Something to listen to while you read: I dreamt last night that I met the most beautiful woman. I seemed to be helping her out of some place (we were driving out of a canyon on a nice day). The car broke down and we had a long walk ahead of us. Eventually, she could