

Great Characters in Horror: Ellison Oswalt (Sinister)

Alone in his office at night, glass of booze by his side, accomplished writer Ellison Oswalt is watching footage from an old television interview he took part in several years prior. He looks younger in the tape, and decidedly happier. He notes, during the interview, that he’d rather cut his hands off than write a


The Fatal Flaw of Nearly Every Modern Hollywood Horror Movie

What is the single most important quality for a horror movie to have? That is a question I’ve pondered several times over the years, and though many fans demand things like scariness and originality from the genre, those two things are honestly the least of my concerns when it comes to modern Hollywood horror movies.


Sympathy for The Devil’s Rejects: Horror’s Most Likeable Villains

It’s almost hard to believe that it’s already been 10 years since Rob Zombie unleashed The Devil’s Rejects, a grounded-in-reality sequel to the cartoonish House of 1000 Corpses that many – including myself – consider to be Zombie’s masterpiece as a filmmaker. The western-inspired horror film was released into theaters on July 22nd of 2005,


5 Things All Horror Fans Should Stop Saying

You will find no group of fans more passionate than horror fans, and while passion is often a wonderful and beautiful thing, there’s always a dark side to an excess of it. Oddly enough, you will find nobody with more bad things to say about horror movies – particularly newer ones – than horror fans,


A Lifelong Goosebumps Fan’s Thoughts on the Goosebumps Movie Trailer

There are a small handful of things I credit for instilling a love of horror in me as a child, including the Nightmare on Elm Street movies and HBO’s Tales from the Crypt TV series. But there’s nothing more influential on my lifelong love of horror than R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps books, which I voraciously consumed


The Terminator: An ’80s Slasher Film Disguised as an ’80s Action Film

James Cameron’s Terminator franchise gets a fifth installment this week in the form of Terminator Genisys, which has a plot so confusing that I honestly can’t even keep track of what’s happening in the two-minute trailer. At this point, the franchise is such a mess that I’m not sure I’ll even bother heading out to


Horror in 2015: Evaluations at the Halfway Mark

Ever since the internet was created, horror fans have been bemoaning the current state of the genre. A year never passes by where I don’t see several fans on forums and social media platforms insisting that “horror is dead” and/or “just isn’t what it used to be,” and this year is no exception. The good


Of Course Hannibal Was Cancelled. It Was Too Good for This World.

Only three episodes into its third season, NBC just broke the terribly depressing news yesterday that they’ve officially cancelled the exceptional TV series Hannibal. Once the third season wraps up in September, Hannibal Lecter and friends will be ousted from the network, and all of us here on Halloween Love can only hope that they


Female Ghostbusters Won’t Ruin Your Childhood. I Promise.

You’ve surely heard by now that Bridesmaids/Spy director Paul Feig is working on a big screen reboot of Ghostbusters, which in fact just began filming today. True to Feig’s style, the quartet of NYC ghost hunters will be played by female actors this time around, with Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones