Bite-sized Horror

[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters – Wednesday

We’ve reached Wednesday and it’s only two more days until another Friday The 13th! To celebrate this important date in the world of horror I’ve been counting down my five favorite posters from the legendary movie franchise and todays choice is the stylish and eye-catching design they used to promote Part 7: the New Blood.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters — Tuesday

Monday has come and gone and we are three days away from another Friday The 13th! … Each day this week I’m paying tribute to this legendary date by revealing my top five favorite Friday posters, and in fourth place I’ve chosen the classic and memorable poster for Part 4: The Final Chapter. This image

[Bite-sized Horror]

Countdown to Friday the 13th: My Top Five Posters — Monday

We are at the start of a week that ends with a Friday The 13th … and to celebrate I’m going to countdown my favorite five Friday posters, starting today with Jason Takes Manhattan. Part 8 is very much a guilty pleasure for me. It has energy, a solid cast and some excellent kills. Budget

[Bite-sized Horror]

Happy Birthday Robert Englund: Time to Party Like Freddy!

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was once a time in my youth when I only knew Robert Englund as an actor because of his role as Willie, the gentle, friendly Alien from the epic 1980s Sci-Fi show V. But it was a contrast that just proved to me (even as a kid), what

[Bite-sized Horror]

Bite-sized Birthday Love: Ted Levine

Ted Levine has had a long, varied and distinguished acting career but I’m sorry … the guy will always be Buffalo Bill to me. Horror is full of psychopaths, serial killers, murderers and individuals the movies want you to fear, but every now and then a performance just climbs above the rest and leaves an

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Poughkeepsie Tapes: Bite-sized Praise

It takes a lot to genuinely frighten me these days when it comes to horror movies, but I must admit I’m still susceptible to feeling very unnerved when it comes to prolonged death and torture scenes in horror. My mind places me in the victims situation and I automatically start considering how I might act

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Penny Dreadful Sandbox

The new Showtime horror series Penny Dreadful needs no gimmicks. The writing, acting, production, etc. are already top-notch. However, in addition to that, there is a wonderfully open-ended sustainability to the show that they’ve set up. They’ve already shown us vampires, ghosts (?), Frankenstein’s monster, and other possible creatures with an only partially-linear construct to

[Bite-sized Horror]

Manhunt Props for Sale

Probably the best quality Manhunt masks and props that will ever see the light of day, from the now shutdown fan-made, live-action web series project Snuffed, are up for sale on eBay by its creator Matt Simpson.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Rosemary’s Baby (TV Movie)

Not bad, not good, just pointless. Rosemary’s Baby (2014), to the shock of no one I’m sure, comes no where near the atmosphere, melancholy, and greatness of the original classic. I don’t even have a default position of prejudging remakes, I enjoy plenty of remakes. I also have no complaints about this particular remake, other

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Fearless Vampire Killers

Fearless Vampire Killers is part comedy, part horror, but in all honesty, the “comedy” aspect of it (while I did have a few laughs) actually just adds to the creepiness of it. Even more eerie, was to watch Sharon Tate (real life wife of director Roman Polanski, who plays the female lead Sarah) perform in