Something More

Something more, something special, personal, community, donations, petitions, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Halloween is on the Way: The Dracula’s Blood Cupcakes Review

Regular readers will be aware that my quest to seek out the best in limited edition Halloween season cakes has been slightly disappointing thus far. Not because they have been poor quality, far from it, but simply because most of the damn things seem to be topped with lime flavor frosting (It’s a spooky green

[Bite-sized Horror]

Halloween is on the Way: The Freaky Eyeball Cupcakes Review

Today I’m going to be taking a look at some Freaky Eyeball Cupcakes, that I purchased from UK supermarket chain Morrisons. I’ll start by saying that visually, these are incredible. The green swirly frosting has been carefully applied and with the white chocolate eye pushed into the middle the end result is just awesome. A

[Bite-sized Horror]

Possible “Gateway to Hell” Movie Viral Marketing Campaign?

Just got an interesting tip from a reader about what looks to me, like some sort of teaser or viral marketing campaign for a new horror movie. This originally appeared online in the form a forum topic found here, which ultimately leads to this website. What do you think this is, could this be real?

[Something More]

The Horror in Me is the Horror in You

We all love horror movies, perhaps obsessively so, right? But, why? Most people think it’s weird and simply don’t “get it”. So, where does this passion come from? For some of us, I think it runs a little deeper than it just being that we love to be scared. Horror runs deep in my psyche

[Bite-sized Horror]

Alien on ABC: Ripley Found a Ray Gun!

If you were to stand close to my computer and listen for a moment or two you MIGHT just hear the sound of my hard drive gently groaning. It contains about 3 years worth of cool, crazy, strange and totally random shit that I have found online … If I see something unusual that’s linked

[Something More]

RIP Karlheinz Bohm

Karlheinz Bohm has passed away at the age of 86. I only VERY recently got the chance to watch Peeping Tom for the first time, despite years of being told how good it was. I can’t say I loved the film as much as others do, but Bohm’s performance as the strangely tragic but unquestionably

[Something More]

Ghost of a Dog

It’s been a while since I posted a deeply personal article and this one charts right there at the top. I have an affinity for tracking down rare and especially sad, beautiful music and I have a friend with similar tastes in music, who introduced me to “Ghost of a Dog” by Edie Brickell &

[Contests and Giveaways]

CONTEST: Don’t Go to the Reunion DVD & Poster!

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Don’t Go To the Reunion, an indie horror film from Slasher Studios. Shortly after, I was contacted by the film’s writer, co-producer & Slasher Studios co-founder Kevin Sommerfield. He appreciated the review and wanted to pass something along exclusively to our readers. I am giving away one DVD copy