[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

Rise of the Pumpkin Patch: Part 1

This time of year is all about the grill, the smell of suntan lotion and spent fireworks, and the whir of the pool cleaner as it grazes the bottom of your neighbor’s pool. But if you’ve reached this post, you might be thinking way beyond summer. You’re thinking of autumn. The burns on your tongue

[Something More]

Summarizing the UFO Report Released on the June 25th Deadline

Aside from a hopeful few, I don’t think many of us expected a smoking gun revealing that we are in fact being visited by off-world beings. However, the 9-page preliminary report (PDF) we did receive does do a hell of a good job outlining a strategy for better recording and analyzing these events, if we

[Creator Corner]

Resurrection Corporation: An Animated Film About the Fear of Death

The idea I had in my mind when I started working on Resurrection Corporation was to adapt Edgar Allan Poe’s story The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar in an animated version, in fact the original title of the project was Neurotic Hypnotic from Beyond the Grave. Entering below in collaboration with the screenwriter


Resident Evil Village Review

Resident Evil Village is a melting pot of awesome ideas. You have the first-person view and mechanics first introduced in Resident Evil 7, a heavy influence from Resident Evil 4 (the clear favorite in the entire franchise among fans and critics alike), classic monsters like vampires, werewolves, and Frankenstein-like creations, a rag-tag team of instantly

[Bite-sized Horror]

Far Cry 5 — Haunted House

I’m a big fan of the Far Cry games, but I have to admit, my interest in Far Cry 5 was almost exclusively this haunted house. Snaps of My Journey Through the Game


The Strange, Sad Saga of Alphonso DeNoble

Rondo Hatton (1894-1946) — an actor whose facial and bodily features were distorted by a condition called acromegaly — was tastelessly touted in the 1940s as the only movie monster who didn’t need makeup. He typically played characters with names like The Creeper, Moloch the Brute, and Mario the Monster Man. Three decades later, Los

[Real Horror]

Demons & Possession with Ed

Ed and I are seated at a campfire, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. All around us, thick copses of trees, barely perceptible in the dark. If we focus our gazes up long enough, we can see the stars. I am sitting opposite him across the fire, contemplating making another s’more, and he’s watching me,

[Something More]

Conversations with Ed

Hello! I’m Jen the Strange, and I am here to translate some information from my good friend Ed (not alive, RIP) who is here to answer some questions about ghosts, life, the afterlife, and everything in between. Let me introduce Ed. Ed is a musician and a writer, but I think he is especially fond

[Creator Corner]

Kamya — Indie Horror Movie Made in Maryland

Directed by Stephon and Christian White and written by Stephon White, Kamya follows a young woman that has hours to close a deal at work during the coronavirus pandemic while battling an ancient demon that arrived on her doorstep. Kamya‘s cast and crew are made up of talent local to the Washington Metropolitan area. Some


The Suffocating Horror of ‘In a Glass Cage’

There was no logical reason that I feared iron lungs as a child. The medical devices were not in wide use during my lifetime; I certainly never knew anyone who used one. Still, I was both repelled and fascinated by the very idea of a machine that did your breathing for you and kept you