Image of the Day: “Pumpkin Slippers” by Toni
Image By Toni Created By Em & Sprout I just really found these little brats delightful. Look at this little shit! I call them Punky. 🧡
Image By Toni Created By Em & Sprout I just really found these little brats delightful. Look at this little shit! I call them Punky. 🧡
By Marilynn
Over 20 years ago, I played my first Resident Evil game, and my first major 3D console horror game, (of course I had played some spooky NES and computer titles much earlier), and that was Resident Evil 2. This game was definitely a game changer for me, and one of the first times I remember …
If you search for DayZ reviews, you’re going to discover that A. many sites simply omitted reviewing the game at all (probably because they didn’t know how to), and B. of those that did review the game, they didn’t review it very favorably. I first noticed this when I was downloading the game, especially on …
I’m pretty sure that the above image is fake, and that’s the biggest detriment to the belief of extraterrestrial life. That is, there is so much bad info, fake info, and silly info out there about the subject, that it detracts from the very real nature of the science and the probability of life elsewhere …
Wow, this one really went under the radar. There’s no trailer on YouTube, there’s not even an IMDb page up for the TV show. I only heard about it because Robert Englund himself promoted it on Twitter, and it comes out next month! Doesn’t look like the network is putting much effort into marketing it. …
With our upcoming Halloween Love Show, it’s time to pump up the volume on our YouTube subscribers! How to Enter Step #1 Subscribe on YouTube Step #2 Leave a Comment Winner Selection Once we reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers, we’ll randomly select one of the entrants that helped us get there, and award them $100 via …
$1,000/month Goal For sustainable funding, Monthly option preferred. Paying writers out-of-pocket and never making a profit, I’ve struggled my way through a full decade of creating fun, content, games, giveaways, and contests for the Halloween and horror community. And even if we don’t receive a single dollar from this attempt at funding, Halloween Love will …
Mark your calendars for April 3rd, 2020! Of all the Resident Evil remakes that have been coming out, it was always RE3 that I wanted the most. One word: Nemesis Among all the most terrifying monsters throughout the Resident Evil franchise, to me, Nemesis is hands-down, the scariest. 20 years ago, when I played the …
I love sharks; they’re a big deal for me. I saw JAWS at a very young age (around 5-years-old or so), and it’s been deeply embedded in my dreams, my nightmares, and my waking thoughts ever since. It’s perhaps not a full-blown obsession, but definitely a fascination. I’m intrigued by both mechanical sharks and real …